Ongoing project

Girls' Education for a Better Future in the African Great Lakes Region (EDUFAM)

BurundiDemocratic Republic of the CongoRwanda
Women's and girls' rightsWomen’s Economic Empowerment

2020 to 2024

Financial contribution

$13,991,234 CAD

Global Affairs Canada

Contribution through donations

$178,000 CAD

Consortium partner

Fondation Paul Gérin-Lajoie

Impact for


girls, teenagers and women

The aim of the ÉDUFAM project is to facilitate access to quality education for many girls, teenagers and women in areas particularly affected by the displacement crisis in the Great Lakes region of East Africa. ÉDUFAM targets women refugees, displaced persons, returnees and women living with disabilities, who live together in local communities. By working to create environments adapted to their needs, we aim to increase their retention in school, as well as their ability to take part in decision-making and defend their educational rights.

We couldn't do it without our partners. These include four local and regional organizations, including Concertation des collectifs des associations féminines de la région des Grands Lacs (COCAFEM), Forum des éducatrices africaines (FAWE) and Humanité & Inclusion (HI).


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Reducing obstacles to education

To address the issue of inadequate school infrastructure, EDUFAM is helping to renovate schools. As the project progresses, these take into account the health needs of adolescent girls and women. In addition, the project sets up gender awareness campaigns for parents, and offers attendance scholarships to the most vulnerable girls.

Adapting programs and learning environments

ÉDUFAM implements gender-sensitive, inclusive curricula and develops safe school environments. We work with teachers, educational institutions and master craftsmen in vocational training to strengthen teaching materials, pedagogical follow-up and students' employment prospects

Strengthening the voice and leadership of women and girls

The project encourages women leaders by helping them to make their voices heard in decision-making bodies such as school management structures, including parents' committees. ÉDUFAM also actively supports COCAFEM, increasing its capacity to defend girls' educational rights

Education to counter insecurity

Overcoming obstacles to education for women and girls through a holistic approach

Conflict in Africa's Great Lakes region has led to the death and forced displacement of millions of people. Insecurity and poverty are pervasive, limiting access to education, especially for women and girls. In the territory of Fizi in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the district of Kirehe in Rwanda and in the commune of Gasorwe in Burundi, the obstacles are numerous and need to be addressed in their entirety.  

The ÉDUFAM project is equipping educational establishments with gender-based violence policies and an effective monitoring and reporting system, in addition to improving school infrastructure and materials. This measure is in addition to those undertaken to remedy the deterrent effect of the cost of education, to enable women leaving the formal school system to develop income-generating activities, and to help girls, teenagers and women take part in decision-making and defend their educational rights.

Meaningful Results

Empowerment of women and girls progresses rapidly in the Great Lakes region


schools rehabilitated and equipped to meet the needs of girls and teenagers, including the creation of safe spaces for them


of administrative and teaching staff in the 24 target schools trained in participatory, inclusive and gender-sensitive educational practices


of girls and teenagers noted an improvement in equity of access to education


of parents are aware that marriage and early pregnancy are obstacles to education (compared to 58% at the start of the project)


of girls and teenagers now feel safe at all times at school (compared to 44% at the start of the project)

Esther Etando, 17 years old

Our partners

Thank you to our financial, consortium and implementation partners, without whom this project would not be possible.

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