Climate change often has devastating effects on ecosystems and biodiversity, particularly in countries with high levels of poverty and limited capacity to adapt.

Climate change adaptation

Impacting agricultural and food production systems, these changes have a negative impact on food security in certain regions. They particularly affect women, girls and marginalized groups, such as people living with disabilities and Indigenous groups, who are more vulnerable, because of their social position, their role in communities and their lack of access to appropriate resources, services and information.

CECI defines climate change adaptation as a process that enables communities to adjust, in response to changes in their environment, in order to limit the negative impacts of climate change. Adaptation strategies aim to increase the resilience and reduce the vulnerability of environments, organizations, communities and individuals.

Overview of the current situation

260 million

people were in acute food insecurity crisis in 2022, with extreme weather conditions being the main factor of food insecurity (GRFC)

30% to 50%

global lands and waters must be protected to preserve nature's capacity to ensure the survival of populations and the planet (COP15)

Only 21 %

of international climate change funding is allocated to adaptation and resilience (AQOCI)

Promoting change

IssuesClimate change is affecting the livelihoods and food security of many communities, particularly women and girls.

The effects of climate change are increasingly frequent and intense. They have negative impacts on agricultural and food systems and contribute to the degradation of the environment and biodiversity. They affect the livelihoods and food security of many communities in developing countries, particularly women and girls and the most vulnerable groups.

Our ApproachesCECI supports the adaptation of agricultural and food systems and the protection of ecosystems facing climate change, while promoting women and girls as key agents.
  • Mobilizing communities, civil society and institutions with a gender-transformative approach to climate change adaptation and climate justice.

  • Facilitating inclusive and sustainable management of agricultural and food systems, ecosystems and disaster risks, drawing on women's leadership and strengthening local collective action and policy and institutional frameworks.

  • Supporting the identification and implementation of nature-based solutions that build on women's leadership and promote food security and the conservation of biodiversity.

Expected changesStrengthening resilience to climate change.

With the increase of women's leadership as key players in climate change adaptation, agricultural and food systems, ecosystems and biodiversity are becoming more resilient to climate change and more sustainable, to the benefit of women and young people. Women's leadership is increasing as key actors in climate change adaptation.

Our impact

Since 2018, CECI and its partners have restored 750 hectares of degraded land in Haiti by creating sustainable energy forests. This approach has increased carbon sequestration through a more efficient and climate-resilient direct seeding method, compared to alternatives. This innovative initiative is in its second scaling phase and has recently resulted in the signing of a protocol agreement with the Ministry of Environment in 2021.

Documentation center

Research & publication

FAR project impact report - 2023 - FR

Policy and institutional document

Sustainable Development Policy
All countries

Research & publication


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