Completed project

Combating Climate Change in Southern Haiti (KLIMA South)

Adapting to climate change

January 2021 - December 2023

Financial Contribution

1,439,430$ CAD

Ministry of Environment and Fight Against Climate Change of Quebec / International Climate Cooperation Program, contributing 1,000,000$ CAD, AVETI Project (AMC), contributing 50,000$ CAD, PCV Project (AMC), contributing 39,550$ CAD, CECI and VTI in the form of goods and services contributions, contributing 308,880$ CAD, Local organizations, contributing 41,000$ CAD

Consortium partner

Viridis Terra International (VTI)

Impact for

15,000 people

The extent of the damage caused by Hurricane Matthew in 2016 demonstrated the low climate resilience of the South and Grand’Anse departments in Haiti. Forests on the land play an important role as windbreaks and soil stabilizers. They increase water infiltration levels and thus reduce the destructive force of rainfall. The KLIMA Grand Sud project focuses on sustainable reforestation, coupled with the creation of income-generating opportunities as alternatives to the exploitation of natural forests.

KLIMA Grand Sud combines CECI’s experience and network in Haiti with the technical expertise of Viridis Terra International. Its implementation also relies on collaboration with valuable local partners: the Organization for the Rehabilitation of the Environment (ORE), the Organization for the Development of the Cocoa Sector of Grand’Anse (ODEFCAGA), and the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (FAMV) of the State University of Haiti.


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Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

KLIMA Grand Sud promotes initiatives aimed at carbon sequestration to contribute to a sustainable economy. Carbon sequestration is a process that occurs in autotrophic organisms like plants. They convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into organic compounds that are not harmful to the environment.

Improving Ecosystem Resilience to Climate Change

By implementing forests on non-arable lands degraded by peanut cultivation and woodcutting for energy, the project aims to enhance the resilience of the ecosystems in the Grand Sud communities of Haiti. Women and young people will particularly benefit from ecosystem restoration.

Developing the Economic Value of Tree Planting and Sustainable Forest Management

KLIMA Grand Sud integrates the sustainable exploitation of wood-energy as a component of agroforestry systems (creole gardens) aiming for carbon neutrality and encouraging the experimentation of biofuel production. The project supports producers in integrating sustainable forest management practices and informs local partners about the procedures to obtain carbon credits.

Reforestation in Haiti

Discovering the Value of Sustainable Forest Management

In the Grand Sud of Haiti, deforestation due to local socioeconomic conditions has severely affected forest cover, leading to the near disappearance of forests. In the project areas, wood-energy plays an essential role in the survival of families. It is a source of income not tied to seasonal timing, exploitable as needed. However, the region's climate resilience is very low, especially since Hurricane Matthew, which caused an additional loss of 52% to 62% of the vegetation cover.

A sustainable approach is necessary to provide adequate protection to the creole gardens. KLIMA Grand Sud supports producers in developing together a sustainable forest management logic to replace the traditional wood-energy production. The project also promotes the establishment of forests on non-arable lands and the experimentation of biofuel production.

Results that count

Better Equipped Families and Entrepreneurs and Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions


people (producers, students, and local authorities) directly involved in the project and benefiting from its outcomes


people who have improved their skills in organic waste valorization to produce agricultural inputs that promote climate change adaptation


tons less GHG (emission reduction)

Our partners

Thank you to our financial, consortium and implementation partners, without whom this project would not be possible.

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