Ongoing project

Climate Adaptation and Economic Development of Haiti’s Agricultural Sectors (AVETI)

Adapting to climate changeWomen’s Economic Empowerment

March 2019 to May 2024

Financial contribution

$12,900,000 CAD

Global Affairs Canada

Impact for

17,500 people

Consortium partner

SOCODEVI and the Union des producteurs agricoles Développement international (UPA DI), members of Alliance agricole international and Développement international Desjardins (DID)

Forty percent of the Haitian population, representing more than 4 million people, are currently in a situation of acute food insecurity. The department of Grand’Anse has the largest number of people affected. Women in particular are very affected by the scarcity of staple foods, because this complicates their role as suppliers of their households.

The AVETI project focuses on the cocoa and yam sectors, which have historical importance in the department of Grand’Anse, to increase the economic well-being and reduce the vulnerability of Haitians, especially women and young people living in rural environments.


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Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change

The AVETI project promotes the adoption of agricultural practices that increase the resilience of cocoa and yam production systems. We strengthen the capacities of producers and their associations to this end. The project promotes sound water management, soil stabilization and increased tree cover to protect against sun and storms.

Increasing the profitability of the cocoa and yam sectors

AVETI rehabilitates damaged plots of land, which, together with the adoption of innovative farming practices, increases production quantities and improves product quality. It also facilitates dialogue between value chain players to enable better coordination of targeted value chains and the reaching of new markets.

Participation of women and young people

We work with our local partners to promote the presence of women and young people in their governance structures and at all levels of value chains. We also encourage the development of services adapted to women and young people, in particular access to credit.

Developing agriculture

Essential to the Haitian population, the cocoa and yam sectors become more resilient and profitable

In Haiti, agriculture is an indispensable source of food and income for the population. The sector produces 45% of the food consumed in the country and employs 60% of its working population. However, the exceptional meteorological phenomena to which the island is particularly prone and socio-political unrest are hampering agricultural production and reducing access to food for the poorest households.

Women are particularly affected by the scarcity of basic products, as this complicates their role as household suppliers. By working to strengthen agricultural production, including greater resistance to climate change and greater participation by women and young people, AVETI is improving food security in the country. For example, the project is building the capacity of nine cocoa cooperatives and has set up farmer field schools to experiment with ways of improving crop productivity and resilience.

Results that count

Innovative farming practices, producer loans, new trees and farmer field schools build the future of agriculture in Haiti


farmers see their living conditions improve directly


cocoa cooperatives strengthen their capacity to produce cocoa with high commercial value (fermented, fair trade and organic cocoa)


hectares of cocoa and yam plots rehabilitated (with a total of 375,000 new trees)


participants in one of 50 farmer field schools


local microfinance institutions offer loans adapted to the realities of farmers and traders.

Zéphirin Marie Limose
Cocoa producer, Chambellan

Our partners

Thanks to our financial, consortium and implementation partners, without whom this project would not be possible.

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