
For a more inclusive education in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso

Following a needs analysis carried out with a number of partners in the field of education in Burkina Faso, the PARITÉ project (Support for Institutional and Technical Reforms for Equity) has enabled a number of teachers and people working in the field of education, particularly in state bodies, to take part in training courses on the gender approach, gender-sensitive learning assessment tools, gender-sensitive planning and budgeting, children's rights, and so on.

Those involved are now better able to make gender-sensitive decisions and share their knowledge: 

"From the capacity-building I received from PARITÉ, I have become much more gender-sensitive, and when I monitor and supervise teachers, I analyze their teaching aids and classroom performance from a gender perspective, in order to provide them with the advice and guidance they need to better organize and conduct more equitable teaching activities for the benefit of all pupils".

Provincial Director of Preschool, Primary and Non-Formal Education, Tuy Province.

"Thanks to PARITÉ's training courses, I'm now comfortable with gender-sensitive planning; I know where to start and I've mastered prioritizing needs. I've also become a trainer in gender-sensitive planning/budgeting myself, with the support of PARITÉ. I'm now comfortable sharing my knowledge with my colleagues, and I've already given two training sessions to agents in the Hauts-Bassins and Centre Nord regions on these particular points."

Head of the Department for the Promotion of Girls' Education at DPEI EFG

The PARITÉ project aims to build the capacity of staff at the Ministry of National Education and Literacy (MENAPLN) to enable the adoption of educational practices that promote inclusion and learning, particularly for girls, and to improve the management of more inclusive education.

To find out more: Project to Support Institutional and Technical Reforms for Equity (PARITÉ)

The Projet d'appui aux réformes institutionnelles et techniques pour l'équité en Éducation (PARITÉ) is funded by the Government of Canada and implemented by Alinéa and CECI.


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