Completed project
Global Affairs Canada
With a high rate of illiteracy and 1.5 million children unable to attend school, the government of Burkina Faso seeks to improve access to education. In collaboration with our partner Alinéa International, PARITY is being implemented in the Hauts-Bassins, Centre-Nord, and Est regions. It supports the training of responsible and competent citizens to promote the country's economic and social development through quality and equitable education for girls and boys.
Government structures are involved in the project, with the most important being the Ministry of National Education, Literacy, and Promotion of National Languages (MENAPLN). The success of the project also relies on the participation of parent-teacher associations (APE and AME) and the School Management Committee.
Burkina Faso ranks among the poorest countries globally, where a vast majority of adults rely on subsistence agriculture. Early and unwanted pregnancies, along with forced marriages, contribute to the nearly 60% illiteracy rate. PARITY supports the Burkinabe government in its efforts to address this situation.
To bring back 1.5 million children to school, the government has developed the Strategic Program for Basic Education Development, prioritizing access to quality education. We strengthen the capacities of professionals and institutions to adopt educational practices that promote inclusion and learning for girls, as well as improve education management. Other stakeholders are also involved in our initiatives, notably through exchange forums between schools, facilitating the adoption of best practices.
The Benefits of Education Extend Far Beyond the Number of Enrolled Children. It's the Whole Society that Benefits!
study on employment equity conducted within MENAPLN
tools aimed at combating gender-based exclusion and early marriages validated and shared within the ministry
MENAPLN agents trained and sensitized to gender issues and gender-sensitive pedagogy
mathematics and French textbook writers trained to develop inclusive tools
Thank you to our financial, consortium, and implementation partners without whom this project could not be achieved