The future starts here

Solidarity for Change

CECI volunteers, by sharing skills and expertise, work closely with local partners to develop innovative solutions that strengthen women’s economic power and increase communities' resilience to climate change.

Take part in an experience that transcends borders and contribute to positive global change by becoming an international volunteer!

Our assignments are:

  • Available in Benin, Bolivia, Guatemala, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Philippines y Rwanda or online if you cannot travel.

  • Flexible in duration from 6 to 12 months, international or fully remotely, from Canada.

  • Are developed by our partner organizations to meet local needs and realities;

  • Encompassing various fields of expertise.

We are looking for a variety of professional profiles, so don't hesitate to apply! New assignments are added regularly, and you can also submit a spontaneous application.

Our volunteering program at a glance:




local partner organizations

7 countries

Benin, Bolivia, Côte d'Ivoire, Guatemala, Rwanda, Philippines and Senegal

When volunteering with CECI, you:

  1. Contribute to change and have a significant impact through a human approach to sharing expertise and knowledge.

  2. Meet new people and build meaningful and transformative relationships with passionate and inspiring professionals.

  3. Benefit from safe supervision throughout your mandate, as well as financial support to cover your daily expenses.

  4. Be part of the international CECI community, expanding your network and impact globally, while developing your skills internationally.

  5. Above all, you get to live an extraordinary experience that will resonate throughout your life!

Your experience with us

What does volunteering with CECI entail?

For CECI, international volunteering represents a professional and personal commitment through which individuals play a crucial role in enhancing the impact of partner organizations, contributing directly to their evolution.

Our approach to volunteering is based on exchange, sharing and respect, aiming to encourage intercultural collaboration.  For us, volunteering has to be synonymous with egalitarian relations. All parties involved on both sides identify and develop learning objectives and share the benefits of the process. Volunteering requires a critical thinking on the dynamics of international power.

Our ProgramCECI's Volunteer Cooperation Program (VCP) is a Canadian international cooperation program that stands as a leader in engaging Canadians in the fight against poverty.

It mobilizes volunteers to share skills and expertise with partner organizations, supporting their development and promoting mutual learning and the values of social justice, equality and inclusion. 

We aim to building fair and egalitarian societies by:

  • Enabling women to increase their income and financial control by entering employment or creating or developing a business, whether formal or informal.

  • Strengthening female leadership for environmental sustainability, climate change adaptation and community resilience.

  • Strengthening women’s rights, from a diversity and inclusion perspective.

Your involvement with local organizationsOur partners include civil society organizations, organizations, groups, private companies, governments and cooperatives that share our vision of equality.

Our volunteer assignments aim to respond to organizational development priorities defined by partner organizations, to amplify their impact on women’s economic empowerment. These development needs may involve changes in leadership, governance, processes, tools, or team management, impacting all organizational functions (human resources, communication, finance, programming, etc.). In order to meet these needs, various support skills are requested, such as advice, coaching, training and participatory animation, in addition to requiring specific expertise (technical skills).

Your expertiseWe are looking for people with different backgrounds and expertise. Whether you are a recent graduate, looking for a new experience or newly retired, you will find your place through this edifying adventure.

The profiles we are looking for cover a wide range of expertise: entrepreneurship, gender equality, rights and diversity, environment and climate change adaptation, business administration, project management, feminist studies, communication, social marketing, management, social innovation, sustainable development, web development, monitoring evaluation learning and many more.

Sample mandates: As a volunteer, you may need to help an organization develop an advocacy campaign, by collecting data and assessing the national context. You would then guide your colleagues in setting goals and creating tools, then support them in meetings with key actors of change.

Requirements to become a volunteer

To volunteer, you must:

  • Have a Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status and a permanent address in Canada.

  • Wish for a transformative experience and be sensitive to international issues.

  • Be available to travel internationally for the duration of the mandate (4 to 12 months), or be available a few hours per week to carry out a remote mandate from Canada.

  • Match one of the assignments’ profiles and be selected by a partner organization.

Our supportCECI takes the safety of volunteers very seriously and implements well-established safety protocols.

Dedicated offices and staff in all countries of operation ensure the health and safety of volunteers. 

In addition, CECI offers:

  • A pre-assignment training course. This training will help volunteers deepen their understanding of CECI and develop the skills and knowledge required to work during their tenure;

  • Support for visa and work permit procedures and related costs;

  • Reimbursement of vaccination costs approved by CECI;

  • Medical insurance and emergency support;

  • Support from a national team throughout the assignment;

  • Monthly allowances for accommodation and subsistence;

  • A return economy airfare between Canada and the assignment’s country;

  • A return report.

Our volunteers' stories

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Sébastien Nadeau Mercado, Climate Change Advisor for APCOB, Bolivia

“Volunteering is one of the best ways to work in a totally different context than one is used to. It is an experience that nourishes everyone as a whole, both the people with whom you share the experience and yourself. But my experience volunteering with CECI exceeded all expectations, having a profound impact on my life and those who accompanied me in the adventure.”

Sara Germain, Communication and Political Impact Advisor, Guatemala

“After the pandemic and lockdown, I wanted to rediscover the incredible experience of living abroad. Volunteering with CECI was also a privileged opportunity to get involved in an organization that meets my values, especially in terms of gender equality. Besides the encounters that my experience in Guatemala has led me to live, I am grateful for the learning I do daily, both professionally and on a human level.”

Are you a woman entrepreneur looking to add an international dimension to your business?

CECI Women Entrepreneurs in Solidarity Program

Want to meet other inspiring women in the same industry? Our brand new program is specifically designed for you! Learn more and join a network dedicated to women leaders.

Looking for a different way to get involved?

You can't carry out a voluntary cooperation assignment with us at the moment? No worries! Here are other ways you can contribute to change and get involved with us :

  • Stay informed and participate to our events by subscribing to our Newsletter
  • Donate to one of our volunteers

  • Inform your entourage of volunteer opportunities and issues surrounding international solidarity

  • Discover our documentation center to deepen your knowledge and thoughts

  • Discover the experiences and thoughts of our volunteers via the volunteer blog

Now it's your turn!