Youth Day volunteer profile: Katherine MacGregor

Sri Lanka
Publish by : Sabrina Nemis
When volunteers arrive in Sri Lanka, she’s a friendly face, an advocate, a welcome ear and only a short phone call away. She’s not their mom or their best friend. Katherine MacGregor is the Uniterra Sri Lanka volunteer support officer. DSC_0063   Before volunteers arrive, she lets them know what to expect and what (not) to pack. She organizes welcoming ceremonies, Colombo city tours, travel and accommodation. When Uniterra volunteers head from Colombo to their partner organizations, Katherine keeps in contact with them throughout their mandates. She listens and tries to help resolve any problems that arise. At only 23, she’s the youngest WUSC Sri Lanka volunteer and she’ll be working in Colombo until June 2017. This Youth Day, WUSC Sri Lanka features some of it’s youngest volunteers doing great work across the country.

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