

Publish by : Yasmine F.
The follow-up takes place at the beginning of the training, when the officer in charge of the training file visits the training site to make sure that everything goes smoothly, that the conditions to follow the training are good and that the equipment that the Operator has planned to purchase is present. It's time to talk to the beneficiaries to explain the importance of their training that they are following. This is where the final list of beneficiaries of the training is stopped. Indeed, since the list was confirmed in the Technical Training Implementation Document and the start of training, some beneficiaries may no longer be available. In this case, other beneficiaries can be found in the database who have requested to follow the same training. Thus, the group will have the same number. If the number is too small, less than 12, the training will often not take place. Groups reach a maximum of 20 beneficiaries. Here is a photo of the list to complete during the training follow-up (in French).   In December, the team of the Directorate of Engineering and Training Operations carried out, among other things, two follow-ups, which I decided to comment on this blog. I traveled with two interns, Mr. Lamine NDAO and Mr. Edouard MANSAMA as well as a engineering agent, Mr. Alphousseny DRAME (see picture of the banner). The first follow-up was on Miller's training, which takes place at the Institut de Technologie alimentaire, translated as the Institute of Food Technology, a public institution. This training has three components:
  1. Presentation and processing, from the shelling of the cereal to the flour
  2. Machinery maintenance, including mills
  3. Entrepreneurship: Setting up a small business to self-employ
The beneficiaries of the training are on the banner photo.   Here is a photo of the opening panel:
  • Alphousseny DRAME, engineering officer, in charge of the Miller's training
  • Dr Mamadou Amadou SECK, Director General of ITA
  • Mr. SOW, trainer (seated)
  • Mr.CISSE, trainer (standing)
Our second stop was at the Centre Sectoriel de Formation professionnelle aux métiers des Industries agroalimentaires (CSFP IAA), translated as the Sector Center for Vocational Training in Food Industries, for a training of Butcher preparer.
  • During this training, it is about, among others:
  • Management of a butchery workshop
  • Hygiene
  • Tooling and equipment
  • From the knowledge of meat and its components
  • Labeling and separation techniques
Here are pictures of the beneficiaries.   Dressed in blue is the Master-butcher, Mr. Robert GUENOT. There is also present, the representative of the director of the Center, Mr. THIOUB.       The packaged meat pieces will be donated to children in need. These two courses have important niches from which to create jobs. The important thing is to have qualified people in these areas. The investment that the ONFP makes in each beneficiary is taken out of the state money, which is reminded to the beneficiaries. We insist on rigor, especially if it is question of having a qualification title. There are trainings that are based on business repositories, as is the case for these two trainings. In these instances, the beneficiaries of this training who pass the evaluation with a minimum of 12 out of 20 will receive a qualification title, as is the case for these two trainings. As I witnessed the enthusiasm of the beneficiaries, I think they will develop the skills needed to practice their jobs properly.

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