Solidarity for women in business

Publish by : Sylvie Hachey
My name is Sylvie Hachey and this is my first mandate with the CECI. I had been looking at positions at the CECI for the last year, but nothing was a fit.  In university I studied International Relations and Law but decided to work in technology where there was much less ambiguity in interpretation.  I finally found a position that could use both my studies and work experience and was hired as a Technology and Innovation Advisor, helping a women’s association in Bolivia build their first website.   My mandate with the CECI was a short one but allowed me to witness and participate with a group helping and supporting women to achieve independence, equality, and growth.  I was able to share some of the knowledge I had acquired and at the same time learnt about the situation of women in Bolivia and how this association is working to help businesswomen thrive.   Learning is a continuum and the more we can partake in sharing knowledge, the more we will be able to benefit from it globally. Change happens one person at a time.  

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