
When the ONFP has fun

Publish by : Yasmine F.
When I left the ONFP, I finished my farewell speech with an acrostic made of four letters representing the Office:
O for Optimist, because people welcome work there with a positive attitudeN for Innovative, because the ONFP is not afraid to think outside the box (Note that in French, the word is "novateur" and does start with "n")F for Family because the Office is a family. We do not work with Directors, Managers, but rather with our Uncles, our Aunts and our cousins.P for Productive, because I have never worked so much in all my life!   That said, I wanted to say that the ONFP does not just rhyme with toil. There are times when colleagues gather to relax. The first moment that is documented in this article are the sports games. There is a football field just minutes from the office and you will see colleagues playing. I confess I did not play, just watched. But, the audience is as important, is not it?
The second moment is Children's Day. This year, it took place at the end of January. Then, children receive gifts. The atmosphere of joy and festivity was at the meeting at the Centre de formation professionnelle et technique Sénégal-Japon, translated Senegal-Japan Vocational and Technical Training Center (www.cfpt-sj.sn/), where we rented a room to mark the event.  

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