Postcards from Nepal

Publish by : Cheryl Chin
"Volunesia" (noun) - that moment you forget you're volunteering to help change lives because it's changing yours.

Namaste!  Hello!  Bonjour! from the 2016 Uniterra long term volunteers in Nepal

Paige Mueller Paige Mueller Communications Advisor Sana Kisan Bikas Bank Ltd. chitwan elephant
Namaste from Nepal!   Karl Brown Karl Brown Communications & Marketing Advisor MANUSHI
Samantha Joan Samantha Joan Organizational Development Advisor National Youth NGO Federation Rooftops of Kathmandu
Namaste! Nadia Roy Nadia Roy Organizational Development Advisor Nepal Herbs & Herbal Products Association
carloprofile Carlo Valle Document & Database Development Advisor Center for Microfinance, Nepal Staple Food in Nepal; Lentil and Rice (Dal and Baht)
 Faces of Nepal ccprofile Cheryl Chin IT Advisor Sana Kisan Bikas Bank Ltd.

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