When I got a notification in my inbox saying “congratulations”, I couldn't believe it! I was so excited to start my journey with CECI.
I discovered the role through ACIC (Atlantic Council for International Cooperation) - a local organization that focuses on the participation of local non profits and international NGOS in global development. I was initially looking for a role in gender and economic empowerment since I work with WEKH, a women's entrepreneurship and knowledge hub funded by Government of Canada. I wanted to broaden my knowledge in the area of women's entrepreneurship and capacity building oversees.
I’ve always loved learning about other cultures and took courses in economics, trade, international business, and language courses in Arabic and Spanish during my undergraduate degree. My degree’s focus in international development helps me in analyzing and understanding different cultures around the world. I met my team in July 2021 and have worked on Nepal’s communications strategy, including its reports, brochures, capacity statements and position papers.
With CECI Nepal, I help support the economic empowerment of women and young women who are marginalised because of their identity. I work in collaboration with civil society organizations, small and medium sized businesses and municipal governments to help develop the leadership of vulnerable populations so that they can access rewarding income-generating activities. I also work on communications materials that help support the strengthening of partners' skills and efforts to raise awareness of economic and environmental rights. CECI in Nepal has a long history and experience in implementing programs that put gender equality and the effort to fight all forms of gender-based discrimination.
Follow me on my journey with Nepal as I scale the exciting road ahead!