My first month in Tanzania, Africa

Publish by : Nadine Dankwart
As I reflect on the past month, I cannot help but smile at all the wonderful people/places/and experiences that I have met, seen and had. The volunteers that I have become to know and call my friends, are truly inspiring. They push me to be a better person and to see everything in a different light. They are so passionate and driven that it is immensely encouraging. I know that I have created lifelong friendships with some of these people and we have only been together for 3 weeks! I have been volunteering at my placement for just over two weeks now and the experienced has been great! The students and professors have all been so welcoming and friendly that I could not have imagined a better place for me to go and experience Tanzania for 3 months. (I will be doing a blog shortly about the college itself!). I was able to partake in my first safari, and it was surreal! Seeing the animals in their natural habitat was amazing. They can truly be themselves while interacting with other animals. This was nothing like the zoo and I am incredibly thankful that they get to live in such a wonderful place! Currently, I’m living in Moshi by myself and I cannot think of a better way to enhance my self esteem and self discover who I am as a person. These past couple weeks have been great, even though I found a couple of cockroaches and lizards in the house! When the clouds aren't too thick, I am able to spot Mount Kilimanjaro from my house, it almost looks like its painted into the clouds some days! Its an amazing view. This past weekend I traveled to Arusha, which is 1.5hours west of Moshi. I visited some of the other Tanzania volunteers. Saturday night, Jess, Hanna, Erika and I ordered in pizza and watched the movie SING! (it was a pretty great movie, everyone should go and watch it!) It was one of the last nights that we will have together in Tanzania, as jess is leaving tomorrow back for Canada and Erika is leaving 2 weeks after that. Nevertheless, I am so glad for the memories that I get to share with these people! As I am writing this, it is 8;30am Sunday morning. I am snacking on last nights leftover pizza and wishfully thinking that I had a cup of joe to go along with it. (I miss coffee :/). To my fellow volunteers, Reenas, Huda, Jess, Erika, Hanna, April, Corrine, Tayba, and Insiya, you guys are all amazing and I cannot wait to share more experiences with you guys! Heres to another great 2 months together!

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