Mural Painting Event in Lima, Peru; International Volunteer Day

Publish by : Alejandro Quinn
  Lima, Peru Sunday Nov. 29, 2015 Alejandro Quinn Mural Painting Activity in Conmemoration of the International Volunteer Day & Climate Change Rally 2015 On Sunday November 29th, Uniterra colaborated with France Volontaires in organizing and conducting a mural painting activity in order to conmemorate and bring awareness to the work and efforts of international volunteers in Peru. Canadian and french volunteers conducted this dynamic activity, collaborating with artists, kids, environment activists, and the public in general in the creation of a beautiful mural depicting the positive change of this world we are all involved in. The activity was effectively incorporated within a rally to protest climate change and support the COP 21, in what was a colorful and dynamic day of celebration of volunteer engagement and exchange between people involved in creating a better tomorrow. In an initiative to bring forth the engagement of international volunteers working in Peru the WUSC and CECI program Uniterra colaborated with french volunteer program France Volontaires in developing this successful activity. Muralist artists were invited to attend and lead in the creation of a large wooden mural, installed in the beautiful ocean side park of the Light House of Miraflores, located in the capital’s main coastal district. The thematic of the mural was inspired on native peruvian Shipibo art, and represented the connection of the actors of change of all backgrounds fighting to protect and shape our world in harmony between people and with the natural environment. The activity was based upon the process of creating the mural, volunteers painted alongside kids, artists, activists, and the general public all the while exchanging ideas and informing about volunteer engagement and it’s importance in the development context of Peru. Through this successful activity, a diversity of people from all walks of life engaged in a creative activity that generated greater visibility of the Uniterra program and the work of it’s volunteers developing their mandates throughout Peru. The result was a stunning mural created throughout a dynamic activity in conmemoration of the International Volunteer Day.

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