Success story
I am Sonia Dossou, holder of a master's degree in social economics, a volunteer cooperant with CECI, and have served as a Gender and Social Inclusion Advisor at the NGO CADID (Convergence d’Actions pour un Développement Intégré Durable) in Porto-Novo, Benin. It has been an honor and a privilege for me to return to my home country as a volunteer to contribute to its development.
Since childhood, I have always loved helping others, which earned me the nickname "social worker." This is one of the reasons why I chose to become a volunteer in my country of origin. My decision was not made at random—I have always been deeply concerned about the plight of the most disadvantaged populations, particularly widows and orphans, street children, foster children, and many more.
In the past, I have interacted with many women who lost everything following the death of their partners and found themselves homeless because their in-laws seized the deceased’s belongings, violating their rights. In response to such injustices, I founded EVO Smile (Entraide Veuve Orphelin) in 2016, initially aimed at supporting widows and orphans. However, due to the vast needs, its mission later expanded to assist disadvantaged populations as well.
From February 25, 2024, to February 25, 2025, I served as a volunteer cooperant with CECI in Benin. I worked as a Gender and Social Inclusion Advisor at CADID, a local NGO whose mission is to reduce poverty, fight hunger, promote sustainable agriculture, work for the well-being of all, and advocate for human rights—especially those of children and women—while placing particular emphasis on reducing gender inequalities. CADID’s vision is to contribute to building a world free from poverty, a more just and supportive society where men and women can fully exercise their rights and be treated fairly without discrimination.
My role was to help the organization develop and implement its gender strategy to integrate gender considerations into its operations, activities, and projects. This aimed to reduce inequalities between women and men and to defend women’s rights.
Working with vulnerable populations, particularly women, is essential to me given their crucial role and the precarious situations they often face. Women bear the heavy responsibility of raising and educating children. They are the pillars of their households. That is why helping them gain access to income-generating activities that allow them to meet their own needs and those of their children is a priority for me. Additionally, advocating for their rights, changing mindsets, and raising awareness about the violence they suffer is equally important.
It was only natural for me to commit as a volunteer cooperant in gender and social inclusion.
As part of my mandate, I facilitated a participatory workshop on the theme of positive masculinities—an awareness-raising activity aimed at finding male champions, allies, and defenders of women’s rights to make the fight for gender equality more effective. This was a sensitive topic in the socio-cultural context of Benin. The activity was conducted with young academic interns and volunteers working at CADID.
To start, I projected an image of a father carrying his baby on his back. This provocative image sparked numerous reactions, both positive and negative, as it was shocking and far from what is considered “acceptable” in a patriarchal society like Benin’s. The debate was lively, with each participant sharing their opinion about such an act. This initial image helped break the ice and create an open atmosphere for discussion.
Next, I introduced two interactive activities: “What Do You Think?” and “The Man’s Box”, from the guide I Facilitate in My Community, developed by JUPREC and CECI.
These exercises encouraged reflection and meaningful discussions on gender roles, breaking stereotypes, and promoting positive masculinities.
Discussions on gender stereotypes during the "What Do You Think?" activity with CADID staff and interns, as part of the positive masculinities workshop, Porto-Novo, July 2024. Photo taken by a staff member.
The “Be the Woman” performance,” with CADID staff and trainees, at the Positive Masculinities workshop, Porto-Novo, July 2024, Photo taken by a staff member.
I then gave my presentation on the subject.
Throughout the workshop, discussions were very interesting and enriching. The participants really liked the fact that the activities were interactive. We moved, we sang, but above all we talked. Real issues were discussed in relation to rigid social norms, prejudices and gender stereotypes in a friendly atmosphere. The young men particularly appreciated our exchanges. The young women, on the other hand, asserted and defended what they felt were their rights. The workshop was a real success.
Two days after the workshop, the Executive Director called me. He explained that a young trainee in his 2nd year of social entrepreneurship who had taken part in the workshop had decided to choose a topic related to positive masculinities for his dissertation, because he had really appreciated the dynamics and theme of our workshop. What's more, he had spoken about it to other trainees who were absent on the day of the training and who would have liked me to repeat the workshop with them.
That really touched me. If our actions have a positive impact, even on just one or two people who can act as relays, our work and our presence won't be in vain.
Trying to change mentalities isn't easy, but it's our responsibility to try. And if even one person is touched, then he or she in turn can move rigid social norms. Not everyone will be convinced, but reaching an ally here and there will make all the difference. These people, in turn, will bring about change. Indeed, “a spark can set the plain on fire”.
The second workshop was held with craftswomen on the theme of gender-based violence during the 16 days of activism against GBV from November 25 to December 10, 2024. We carried out two awareness-raising activities, one with students from a private university in the city. The second was an awareness-raising activity and talk with craftswomen (braiding, hairdressing, sewing), led by a colleague and me. We first showed a video made by the government during the 2023 campaign in which public figures denounced GBV and called on survivors to denounce the perpetrators, as the law protects victims. The participants then said what they understood from the video. We then explained what GBV is, the different forms it can take, the laws that punish it, how to prevent it and the remedies available in the event of aggression. The exchanges were very fruitful. I learned a lot from these activities. The girls involved were very happy with what they learned and were open to sharing their experiences. They understood that certain situations they had experienced or were still experiencing were akin to violence. They learned that there are laws to protect survivors and punish perpetrators in the event of aggression.
At the end of the session, we handed out cards with toll-free numbers to contact in case of problems. It was an interesting and memorable day.
I encourage everyone to experience volunteering at least once in their lives, because it's an enriching experience, both professionally and personally. Beyond the change of scenery and the discovery of other horizons and cultures, it's an opportunity to give and receive, where you share your skills and give of your time, but also learn a lot from others and receive a lot in return. In my opinion, helping others gives meaning to the life of the person who helps, while at the same time bringing comfort to the person you're helping.
Thank you to our financial and implementation partners, without whom this project would not be possible. CECI's volunteer cooperation program is carried out in partnership with the Government of Canada.