Nursery and child

Publish by : Yasmine F.
At last, this is the opportunity for me to volunteer internationally with the Uniterra Program. However, I traveled with a little munchkin of almost 3 years of age and I had some concerns that quickly faded once arrived in Dakar. I landed with my son in Senegal, towards the end of the afternoon. Volunteers have about three weeks to find an apartment and settle down before starting their term. After we had made several visits, we found the place to take up residency for the duration of my mandate. I also had to find a nursery for my son, name given most often to daycare centers in Senegal. Among those we visited, the choice was made on the nursery closest to where we were going to live. In addition, it contains a slide and a trampoline, enough to seduce any child, especially mine. Moreover, he fell in love with the Senegalese people fairly quickly. He already has friends in the neighborhood he is clamoring for. It is thanks to the teranga, word in Wolof which designates this sweet hospitality which the Senegalese show towards the travelers. Finally, I can start my mandate with peace of mind.

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