Helping in the Caribbean - the Island of Dominica

Publish by : Patrick Mulllin
Patrick J. Mullin in Dominica  - from Windsor, Ontario,  Master’s Degree in Political Science, extensive experience working as an instructor and with youth at risk In Canada. He has a small rural farm near Owen Sound, Ontario. Patrick volunteered for 12 months as a “Youth Empowerment Adviser” in the Country of Dominica in the Caribbean under the WUSC PROPEL (Promotion of Regional Opportunities for Produce through Enterprises and Linkages) program.  Working with the Dominica Youth Business Trust (DYBT) in Roseau, the capital, he provides encouragement to youth - women and men – who have taken up the challenge of farming in Dominica. Dominica needs new young sustainable farmers.  Some are actively engaged in farming and some have small argri-processing businesses.  All want to increase their entrepreneurial opportunities through expansion both for the domestic market and to take advantage of export challenges to high value markets (HVMs) across borders.  Patrick is also assisting the Government of Dominica in the development of a much needed Youth Agricultural Policy. Patrick’s goal is to deliver tangible practical assistance so that through inclusive economic development and opportunity, Dominica’s new youth agri-preneurs can realize fulfilling careers and contribute to all aspects of improving Dominica:  to provide for their families, build strong communities and create positive social change.

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