Success story

GCIUS - G.C.I.U.S. in the News!

Publish by : GCIUS

Because I did not have the time to write an article for the week of October 14th, here are some interesting articles about us in the news this week (in French):

De Sherbrooke au Ghana pour la construction d’un centre de formation communautaire

Des pintades pondeuses pour sortir de la pauvreté

Indeed, the team had the chance to have two interviews, one with the University of Sherbrooke and one with Radio-Canada Estrie. Visibility is key, because it allows us to share values ​​that we find important. Beyond construction, so many questions will remain unanswered, but concrete actions in everyday life will bring us closer to our goal. Thank you for being part of the team, faithful readers, you help us in accomplishing a very humble mission by sharing your reading with your friends and family who are unaware of our existence. Moreover, here is the first Baobab Chronicle :

Baobab Chronicle 2018 #1

Next article on Monday, keep your eyes open!

– Jordan Laroche

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