
Training for the title "Training Manager"

Publish by : Yasmine F.
The Office National de Formation professionnelle (ONFP), translated as the National Office for Vocational Training, where I do my volunteer work, in partnership with the Centre d’information et d’orientation (Centre INFFO) de France, translated as the Center for Information and Guidance of France, organized a training session, to obtain the title "Training Manager", a first in Senegal. As an engineering consultant, assigned to the Engineering and Training Operations Department of the ONFP, I was in charge of the training file, under the benevolent eye of my counterpart, Mr. Ousmane SENE, the Director of Engineering and Training Operations (DETO) at ONFP. This training was facilitated by Centre INFFO experts from Paris, Vincent JOSEPH and Alice VIELAJUS. It took place in Dakar from September 18 to 29, 2017 at the premises of the École normale supérieure de l'Enseignement (ENSETP). Thanks to the generosity of its director, Mr. DIOUF and the director of studies, Mr. KEBE, we did not have to pay rent for the use of the premises for the duration of the training. Opening Ceremony: Mr. DIOUF, Director of ENSETP, Mr. DIAKITÉ, General Director of ONFP, Mr. JOSEPH, Trainer of Centre INFFO, Mr. SENE, DETO, and me.   The main skills to develop during this training were: - To carry out a diagnosis of training needs - To design a training course - To Apply the principles and tools of human resources management, the right to training, financial and accounting management in general The target audience for this training was companies, training organizations, consulting firms or graduates in Human Resources. Following the call for nominations, the ONFP received 81 applications. First criterion : Firstly, we tried to favor a group made up of professional participants in vocational training intervening with adult audiences, having already worked in the field of HR or training and pedagogy. In this case, it was necessary to eliminate all training applicants who are students, interns, job seekers or whose files were incomplete, of which there are 22. Second criterion : Then, it was necessary to divide the rest of the applicants, numbering 59, according to the following 5 categories: 1. Private firms; 2. Public Administration other than the Ministry of Vocational Training, Learning and Handicrafts (MVTLH); 3. The MVTLH; 4. The training operators of the ONFP, 5.ONFP. For each of these categories, we could choose 3 applicants, for a total of 15 beneficiaries. But thereafter, the list was expanded to accommodate another 5 beneficiaries, for a total of 20. Third criterion: For each category, we have diversified the beneficiaries according to: 1. the regions, to choose beneficiaries both in Dakar and in the regions; 2. Gender, selecting both men and women, for a total of 11 men and 9 women (see their banner photo). Finally, we have advocated more for the private sector by choosing structures that have a good service orientation, while ensuring that the applicant has received a favorable opinion from his supervisor. As the beneficiaries were carefully selected, I urged them to take this training seriously and put all their efforts into it. Then, I closed my speech with these words: "gor gor lou len djang bou bakh". For those who do not understand Wolof, I said: "I encourage you to follow the training well." During the second week of training, the French trainers wanted to address the subject of vocational training legislation in Senegal. It was the Director General of the ONFP himself, Mr. Sanoussi DIAKITÉ, who volunteered to present the beneficiaries with an overview of the legal and regulatory framework for continuing vocational training in Senegal. From left to right, Mr. NIANE, Mr. SENE, myself and Mr. DIAKITÉ, in full presentation. One of the beneficiaries of this training, who is knowledgeable in the legal field, Omar NIANE, has brought elements of complements on the subject Several media covered the event. You can view the coverage of the opening ceremony here: https://www.dakar7.com/formation-professionnelle-20-agents-dorganismes-publics-etou-prives-a-lecole-de-lonfp/ https://xibaaru.sn/societe/253099/ http://www.dakaractu.com/Formation-Professionnelle-20-agents-du-secteur-prive-et-public-formes_a138819.html The coverage of the closing ceremony was more modest. It was Dtv who presented the event. http://dtv.sn/home/player/11156 To be consulted from 4 minutes 16 to about 6 minutes 20. Finally, here is a last photo of the closing ceremony below, where are Mr. JOSEPH, trainer, Mr. SENE, DIOF, Mrs. VIELAJUS, trainer and myself.  

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