
File "Supported"

Publish by : Yasmine F.
In recent years, the Office national de Formation professionnelle (ONFP), translated National Office of Vocational Training, has offered jobseekers as well as workers the possibility of supporting training costs in training institutions in Senegal, to promote integration or support them in their professional career. When it comes to a first application, the filing criteria are as follows:
  1. A letter of motivation + the professional project
  2. Reference documents: if student, a letter of intent to recruit an employer; if at work, a letter of recommendation from an employer
  3. A copy of the identity card
  4. A resume
  5. A copy of the latest diplomas or certificates obtained
  6. A pro forma invoice from the training school, specifying for license applications and masters that the school has a CAMES or ANAQ-SUP accreditation.
  However, if it is a question of renewal, the student must provide:
  1. An application for renewal
  2. The results of the training that was the subject of management
  3. A pro forma invoice from the training school, specifying the title of the training requested and the cost of the training
The files were selected, firstly according to the following criteria:
  • Completeness of the file
  • The sector of studies is among the priority sectors this year for the ONFP: industry, health, IT (including teleservices), building and public works, agriculture (including livestock, fishing, horticulture), tourism and hotels and agribusiness
  • Applications for licenses or masters are lower priority, but still taken into account
  • The least expensive trainings have been prioritized
  • Bachelors of the year have been withdrawn because they can benefit from a State scholarship
  • Requests were withdrawn if the recruiter was also a trainer
  • Scanned, unsigned or inconsistent documents have been removed
  The file "Supported" was imputed to me in November by the Director-General. Subsequently, my counterpart, Mr. SENE, decided to put a team in place to carry out this file. I worked closely with Mrs. GOUDIABY, Head of the Resource, Documentation and Information Center (IDRC), Mrs. BA, Assistant to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and among others, Mrs. SY, for the data entry (see last two in the banner photo).   The requests came from all over Senegal. The depots were the ONFP Headquarters in Dakar, as well as the three branches in Kolda, Kaolack and Saint-Louis.   Consequently, for a little more than 600 files, we realized the following steps.
  1. Check if complete file and if sector bearing
  2. Manually divide requests into three batches: students, professionals, and rejects
  3. Perform data entry of applicants
  4. Against checking each information entered for all records.
  This work was done with care, knowing that there are people in need who are waiting for these bursaries to continue their studies. We were able to propose a list of candidates, ensuring that all regions were represented. In addition, we made sure to respect the equity between men and women and to include young people more often. The selected person will be able to continue the necessary steps with the ONFP services.  

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