

Publish by : Vincent Auclair
It's been more than 6 weeks since my last writings. I could say that everything went smoothly but that would not be honest. Nothing major however, only small setbacks in the daily life of a volunteer. With regard to my mandate with T-Help, there have been some delays in obtaining testimonies from former participants. I am not criticizing my partner, but rather the health situation that continues to plague Nepal which has delayed the final drafting of my training of a business plan. As the movement of people is limited, it is normal that there are certain delays in obtaining information. In addition, September mark the month of the Full moon Harvest celebrations. It is a month of important festivities for Nepalese. During this month, every year, one of the most exciting and revered festivals of the Newar community of the Kathmandu Valley takes place: the Indra Jatra Festival. Lasting eight days, it marks the beginning of the autumn festival season. It begins with the construction of a wooden pine pole in Basantapur Square in front of the ancient Hanuman Dhoka Palace, followed by the procession through the main streets of Kathmandu of the living goddess Kumari. Almost every night, the Lakhay (masked dancers) take to the streets of the capital and dance to the rhythm of a large drum. The festival commemorates the time when Indra descended from heaven in human form to search for special herbs. During the Indra Jatra festival, oil lamps are lit in front of shrines and ancient palaces around Kathmandu's Durbar Square. A stage depicting the ten earthly incarnations of Lord Vishnu is presented in front of the Temple of the Living Goddess (Kumari). Despite the small setbacks, I am very happy with my collaboration with T-Help. Besides, my experience in Nepal continues. I remain involved in developing partnerships with potential donors/partners in the tourism and livelihoods sectors. I will also continue to develop training adapted to the needs of my partner.

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