Day 3: Tapai lai kasto cha? Or the day I decided to start speaking Nepalese

Publish by : Marilyne Tremblay
Here you go, today is the day that I start speaking Nepalese. With a Nepali guardian and driver really determined to teach me, I think I can make this happen. When entering the office this morning, I needed a lot of concentration (because, yes, I’m still jetlagged) to handle the few words I had the chance to remember but I think it has been well rewarded by the smile of my colleagues who were glad that I made that effort. As a volunteer present in Nepal for only 3 weeks (as part of Uniterra’s Leave for Change program), I do not really have the chance to benefit from the Nepalese classes the other volunteers are taking where they spend 10 wonderful days in immersion with a lovely Nepali teacher. That would be simply awesome… and quite useful to communicate and connect with the Nepalese population (which is welcoming and so nice). That being said, Day 3 is the day that the real work begins! In a couple of days, I’ll be meeting with the other Student Without Borders volunteers to debrief about their experience so far. I’m really excited about it and I spent the whole day planning it. However, my real mandate will start tomorrow as I will be meeting the local partner organization Prerana, which advocates for the rights of vulnerable people. Looking forward to meeting the team and the 2 other Uniterra volunteers!

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