All Towards the Same Goal

Publish by : Marie-Michèle Comeau

As mentioned in my previous article, I have been lucky to visit the field of two projects sponsored by CECI Nepal. This article reports on my experience in the district of Lalitpur.

Lalitpur is one of the district in which CECI has been involved a lot as their two projects, Punarnirman and Susasan, overlaps one another in this district. However, one goal remains the same; communities’ participation.

During our visit both to Bukhel and Sankhu, we could feel this community feeling. One of the Bukhel resident, Mr. Kalu Singh Bomjan (pictured), received a training on how to build goat feeders as a “V” shape, which helps prevent waste and is more efficient when it comes to feeding multiple goats. Not only does he build them for his own use, he also builds them for resale and for the rest of the community.


During our time in Sankhu, we could really feel the importance of the communities’ involvement in reconstruction, but also to improve the governance. As part of the Susasan project, one techno-hub that includes one computer, a laptop and a TV screen for the display of information have been installed in the ward office. It is looked over by the Chairman of the Ward office and is available for everyone in the community. Many software have also been developed and installed in the techno-hubs in order to help the community effectively.

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