Adaptability is the word.

Publish by : Isabella Murillo
Adaptability is the word. Before my mandate started, I had thought many times “what have I gotten myself into,” and “can I do this?” I doubted myself many times. I did not know what to expect from this mandate since I had never done one… especially in French. The first few weeks were challenging as I was learning how to speak French in a professional setting (I am still learning). By the time I started to get the hang of my first placement, it was about the time to start a new mandate. So many new words in French were being thrown at me like “plan institutionelle/plan de communication” and “bulletin”. After my first meeting with the second mandate, I thought out loud… “I am sure a quick Google search will help me with the meaning of these words”. I was right, it had helped me a big time. Over time, I taught myself how to these new tasks. If I had not found a way to learn about what was required of me in my mandate, I would be not writing this (lol). The reason why I say adaptability is the word, it is because I adapted to this new change. I adapted to different work settings, work environment, working styles, and most importantly I adapted to working in different language. I learned that adaptability is very important in life. You know that cheesy saying “when life throws you lemons, you make lemonade”? well, it could not be more applicable to this past year, in my personal and professional life. I know change is scary and unpredictable, but without it there would be no growth.

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