Ongoing project

Women’s Voice and Leadership in Senegal (WVL - Senegal)

Women's and girls' rights

December 2018 to March 2024

Financial contribution

$6,300,000 CAD

Global Affairs Canada

Impact for

100,000 women and girls

In Senegal, socio-cultural constraints and customary law limit women's access to education, property, inheritance, land and decision-making bodies. The VLF - Senegal project supports 20 organizations and 5 Senegalese networks defending the rights of women and girls. With them, it works to overcome certain difficulties to ensure their succession, find funding, mobilize the population and guarantee their proper long-term functioning.

The ultimate goal of the project is to enable Senegalese women to fully enjoy their rights and advance equality between women and men in the country.


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Support the institutional strengthening of women's organizations and networks

VLF - Senegal aims to strengthen the institutional, human, technical and financial capacities of community organizations, crucial to advancing gender equality. We accompany these organizations in adopting innovative management and programming practices to support their sustainability, with a particular focus on those representing vulnerable and marginalized women.

Promote the optimization of services offered to women and girls

Gender-based violence is still very common in Senegal. CECI works with women's organizations and networks to enable them to optimize the quality of their services. The project's innovative approaches and activities thus strengthen care for victims and survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.

Improve the effectiveness of advocacy for women's rights

CECI builds the capacity of women's organizations and networks so that their voices can influence the laws and policies that affect them. We encourage collaboration with strategic stakeholders, such as traditional and religious leaders, and political and technical officials. We also strengthen their advocacy and social watch activities.

Strengthening women's and girls' rights movements

A program to support 20 organizations and 5 networks promoting women's and girls' rights to education, property, land and inheritance

Over the past few decades, Senegal has ratified several international conventions and adopted policies to promote equality between women and men. Women's rights organizations have played a leading role in the adoption of these measures. Despite these advances, women's movements today face major difficulties.

Many constraints still limit the rights of Senegalese women. The VLF - Senegal project strengthens the operations of women's rights organizations, increases the scope and quality of their services, and consolidates their capacity for social monitoring and advocacy. Ultimately, the aim is to make women's rights a reality that benefits Senegalese society as a whole.

Meaningful Results

Supporting strategic local organizations means advancing the rights of women and girls in Senegal!


people reached by the project


women's and girls' rights organizations improving the effectiveness of their programs and strengthening their institutional capacities


networks improving the effectiveness of their advocacy to influence policies and legal and social institutions

Our partners

Thanks to our financial, consortium and implementation partners without whom this project could not be realized

Related publications

Communication & awareness

Quarterly newsletter, March 2020 - WVL Senegal (in French)

Research & publication

VLF-Senegal Project in Brief - October 2021

Research & publication

VLF-Senegal Project in Brief - November 2021

Research & publication

VLF-Senegal Project in Brief - January 2022

Communication & awareness

Newsletter, CECI-Senegal, July 2021

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