Completed project

Women’s Voice and Leadership in Haiti (WVL - Haiti)

Women's and girls' rights

November 2018 - December 2023

Financial contribution

$8,124,371 CAD

Global Affairs Canada

Impact for

160,000 people

including 130,000 women

The aim of the VLF - Haiti project (or "Pou Fanm Pi Djanm" in Creole) is to strengthen the capacities and activities of women's organizations, networks and movements in Haiti. It takes place in 8 of the country's 10 departments: Ouest, Sud-Est, Sud, Grand'Anse, Artibonite, Centre, Nord, Nord-Est.

In collaboration with the Ministry for the Status of Women and Women's Rights (MCFDF) and our 30 local partner organizations, we are implementing various activities to enable women and girls to better exercise their rights and advance equality between women and men. The project supports 6 national networks and 24 local organizations by strengthening their organizational and financial capacities.


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Strengthening the organizational structures of women's groups

VLF - Haiti provides partner women's organizations with financial support to help them identify their strengths and weaknesses, understand the influence of the external environment and develop their promotion of women's and girls' rights. These organizations are encouraged to fine-tune their strategic plans and gradually strengthen their own structures.

Generating evidence on women's rights in Haiti

The project is dedicated in part to the production, analysis and dissemination of evidence relating to women's rights violations in Haiti. It supports academic research on themes relating to the advancement of women's rights in the country. The evidence thus produced is used to advance advocacy actions.

Supporting the advocacy of partner organizations

Thousands of people, 80% of them women, have benefited from training and advocacy support for women's and girls' rights.As a result, they are better prepared to enter into constructive dialogue with state authorities.

Defending the Rights of Women and Girls

Stronger Local Organizations Improve the Exercise of Rights for all Haitian Women

Since the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, local feminist movements have been weakened, notably due to the disappearance of several of their leaders. What's more, funding for civil society organizations has dwindled considerably in recent years. Local organizations and national networks defending women's rights are now facing major financial and organizational challenges, which are hindering their work in favor of equality between women and men in Haiti.

This is why VLF - Haiti has chosen to help them strengthen their organizational structure and become more financially autonomous. In this way, these organizations will be able to offer better quality services to a greater number of women, and engage in constructive dialogue with state authorities to improve the legal environment that must protect their rights.

Meaningful Results

Strengthening the structure and advocacy of women's organizations enables Haitian women to better exercise their rights.

Meaningful Results

Strengthening the structure and advocacy of women's organizations enables Haitian women to better exercise their rights.


women's organizations received financial support to carry out activities promoting the rights of women and girls


women's organizations received financial support to carry out activities promoting the rights of women and girls


women's organizations received financial support to strengthen their organizational structure


women's organizations received financial support to strengthen their organizational structure


people (80% of them women) have benefited directly from training and advocacy activities


people, including 130,000 women, have a better understanding of human rights and are better able to defend and exercise them

Our partners

Thank you to our financial, consortium, and implementation partners without whom this project could not be achieved

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