Completed project

Technological Innovation Program for Agriculture and Agroforestry (PITAG)

Adapting to climate changeWomen’s Economic Empowerment

November 2018 - April 2023

Financial Contribution

$4,600,000 CAD

Banque interaméricaine de développement (BID)

Impact for

161,800 people

PITAG was established to contribute to the sustainable improvement of income generated from agricultural production by small-scale farmers in the North, Northeast, and Grand'Anse departments of Haiti. It is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural Development (MARNDR) of the Republic of Haiti.

This program aims to promote the adoption of innovative technologies to improve agricultural yields, which are generally low throughout the country. To achieve this, it establishes an innovative financing mechanism and promotes a range of technologies aligned with the crops developed by small-scale producers. The program also aspires to strengthen local business networking through the creation of registers.


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Financially support farmers in their transition to green and sustainable technology

PITAG aims to provide various financial supports to farmers to encourage them to acquire new agricultural production technologies. A matching grants mechanism has been established so that their businesses can directly purchase the necessary agricultural goods and services from approved suppliers.

Promote the use of green technologies

The program supports obtaining a predefined list of technologies agreed upon with the client and meeting several selection criteria. Currently eligible technologies include: individual motor pumps, animal traction, storage equipment, drying, processing, and mills. The sustainable agricultural practices promoted involve agroforestry and agro-silvo-pastoral systems based on cocoa, coffee, fruit trees, forest trees, sugar cane, and fodder.

Facilitate the creation of a register of farmers and suppliers

To ease the transition to more sustainable agricultural production, a register of farmers and a register of agricultural input and service suppliers have been created. This directory helps to build a network for ecological transition and enhances the consolidation and visibility of change-makers.

Agriculture in the context of climate change

Protecting the resources of small-scale producers

Agricultural and agroforestry environments are undergoing significant transformations due to climate change and recent advances in production techniques and technologies.

However, these innovations are not always accessible to small-scale farmers in the North, Northeast, and Grand'Anse departments of Haiti. Generating new income while protecting resources such as soil richness and water supply remains a challenge for local production businesses.

Results That Matter

Thousands of supported farmers


farmers received financial assistance


farmers benefited from technical assistance through a network of farmer-relays and agricultural technicians

Our Partners

Thank you to our financial and implementation partners without whom this project could not have been realized.

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