Completed project

Sustainable use of technology for public sector accountability (SUSASAN)

Inclusive Governance and Peacebuilding

2017 - 2021

Financial Contribution

CAD$ 4,795,702

Global Affairs Canada, and $268,427 CAD from CECI

Impact for

95,303 people

SUSASAN's overall aim is to increase access to and use of technological tools to support Nepal's democratic project and the political education of its population. Through the creation of technology centers, training courses and the acquisition of technological tools, we aim to support the autonomy of citizens and give them the conditions to increase their political participation. To achieve this, we benefit from the support of our partners: Centre for Law and Democracy, Young Innovations, Freedom Forum.

By promoting access to integrated technologies and the technological capabilities of non-governmental organizations such as municipalities, the project also aims to support practices of good governance, transparency and accountability among political leaders.


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Supporting a more engaged civil society.

The project works with organizations whose mandate is to improve the living conditions of women and other marginalized groups and to defend their interests. We strengthen their ability to understand and decode budgets and decision-making processes. Training courses on finding information online and using complaints and redress mechanisms are also organized.

Supporting municipalities' democratic processes.

With the creation of technology centers, the project supports the exercise of new democratic forms. The first center, built in Sanfebagar, has enabled this municipality to become the first open government in Nepal.

Support community organizations in learning about technology

The project strengthens the technological capabilities of community organizations through mentoring, coaching, formal and informal training in digital literacy, and awareness-raising campaigns on the importance of technopoles. The leadership of community organizations has increased through greater awareness of the opportunities offered by digital technologies.

Enhancing democracy through digital technology

Encouraging citizen participation, transparency and good governance

In recent decades, Nepal has experienced periods of political instability. A recent democratizer, the country is now implementing various strategies to ensure its transition to more democratic practices. However, the lack of access to integrated technologies facilitating transparent governance is a major obstacle to this ongoing political shift.

Citizens have little access to municipal documents and few spaces in which to make their voices heard. Technological infrastructures and institutional mechanisms are also poorly developed to support real social participation. SUSASAN responds to these needs. Of the 285,910 people reached by the project, 168,064 were women from marginalized groups and 185,000 were young people. These people now have better access to public resources, and the confidence to engage in public forums and demand their rights.

Results that count

Communities mobilized around a democratic technology project

95 %

of project participants believe that the Susasan tools introduced play an essential role in creating interaction between citizens and local governments

93 %

of targeted women's groups have access to and use technological tools

265 896

people use technology for better governance, including 168,064 women from marginalized groups and 185,000 young people


technology centers created


technology centers created

Our partners

Thank you to our financial and implementation partners, without whom this project would not be possible.

Publications liées

Research & publication

Susasan School: A Capacity Building Approach Nepal, 2021

Research & publication

Promoting Inclusive Governance at the Local Level Nepal, 2021

Research & publication

CECI's Approach to Strengthening Governance and Public Sector Accountability in Nepal

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