Ongoing project

Strengthening Women Entrepreneurs in Production Chains (We3A)

Women’s Economic Empowerment

February 2022 to march 2025

Funding partner

316,858.60 $ USD

WeFi and BID Lab

Impact for

small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) led or owned by women

The We3A project targets six of the lowest-income Latin American countries with a nascent entrepreneurial ecosystem (Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana andHonduras).Together with our partners Thunderbird (Arizona State University) and Impacto Empresarial, we aim to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) owned or managed by women. Firstly, we aim to integrate women into the various phases of economic activity, and secondly, to provide high-quality entrepreneurial training. This is delivered through a variety of innovative digital media. The project is called We3A - after the three "A "s it supports: Aspire, Activate and Accelerate.


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Aspire to female entrepreneurship.

This part of the project aims to promote female entrepreneurship and enhance its image. Using training based on a narrative approach, the project hopes to reach a wide audience and present how female entrepreneurship is a genuine profession worthy of respect, and one worth investing in.

Supporting the use of and access to digital technologies in women-led SMEs.

The project aims to offer a wide range of digital tools to women-led SMEs in these six countries. These digital tools are seen as ways of "activating" and stimulating women's financial inclusion. The use of digital tools also increases the capacity for exchange and communication with local partners.

Accelerate the development of women-led SMEs

An intensive program called "Accelerate" is offered to women involved in SME management. In addition, these women-led SMEs have the opportunity to integrate into value chains and establish contacts with buyers.

Large-scale results

SMEs involved and interested


future women entrepreneurs have gained access to virtual training on entrepreneurship and access to capital


women-led SMEs have accessed high-level acceleration programs


women report improved digital skills


women/men reached through inspiring campaigns featuring women in business

Our partners

Thank you to our financial and implementation partners, without whom this project would not be possible.

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Gaby Hernández
Claudia Sierra
Martha Santizo

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