Ongoing project

Strengthening Women Entrepreneurs in Production Chains (We3A)

Women’s Economic Empowerment

February 2022 to July 2024

Funding partner

286 616 $ USD

WeFi and BID Lab

Impact for

1,000 women entrepreneurs and women-owned small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

The We3A project targets six of the lowest-income Latin American countries with a nascent entrepreneurial ecosystem (Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana andHonduras).Together with our partners Thunderbird (Arizona State University) and Impacto Empresarial, we aim to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) owned or managed by women. Firstly, we aim to integrate women into the various phases of economic activity, and secondly, to provide high-quality entrepreneurial training. This is delivered through a variety of innovative digital media. The project is called We3A - after the three "A "s it supports: Aspire, Activate and Accelerate.


Large-scale results

SMEs involved and interested

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