Ongoing project

Rights and Innovations in Sexual and Reproductive Health in Kayes (Yellen)

Women's and girls' rights

April 2020 - May 2025

Financial contribution

$20,217,080 CAD

Global Affairs Canada

Contribution through donations

$126,000 CAD

Consortium partner

Unité de santé internationale du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM-USI)

Impact for

676,990 women

including 67,699 adolescents

The ultimate aim of the YELLEN project is to transform unequal gender relations, particularly in terms of health and sexual and reproductive rights. It is aimed primarily at women and adolescent girls in the Kayes region of Mali.

To achieve this objective, we collaborate with local partners, including the Regional Health Department, the Regional Department for the Promotion of Women, Children and Families, the Social Development and Solidarity Economy Department, the Regional Federation of Community Health Associations, and the Kayes Teaching Academy. We train women and teenagers in female leadership, and in the prevention and management of gender-based violence. We also strengthen community health centers and husbands' schools to involve men in change.


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Empower women and adolescent girls to make decisions about their sexual and reproductive health

Education, access to information, geographical distances and financial means are some of the obstacles that influence the demand for sexual and reproductive health. Through training and awareness-raising campaigns in communities, YELLEN aims to increase the ability of women and adolescent girls to take part in decisions concerning their health and family planning.

Strengthening the supply of quality services meeting the needs expressed by women and teenagers

YELLEN supports health care providers, rehabilitates health structures and strengthens available equipment to create a supply of quality sexual and reproductive health services. These initiatives aim to make care more sensitive to women's specific needs and respectful of their rights, including confidentiality.

Enhancing the leadership of organizations involved in promoting equality and combating gender-based violence

The YELLEN project strengthens the leadership of our partners, by building the capacity of qualified staff at reference health centers (CSRéf), community health centers (CSCom), as well as teachers at high schools and vocational training centers, to communicate on sexual and reproductive rights.

Sexual and reproductive rights

After a period of political transition, the health rights of women and adolescent girls are a priority

Mali has experienced a turbulent socio-political situation since 2020, including a military coup and the temporary halting of several programs supporting the health rights of women and adolescent girls due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The transition led to changes in government, notably in the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene, which became the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

YELLEN is raising awareness of sexual and reproductive health for women and adolescents among 1,327,431 people in seven districts of the Kayes region (Bafoulabé, Diéma, Nioro, Oussoubidiagna, Sagabari, Séféto and Yélimané). At the end of the project, communities and healthcare providers will be better trained on these issues, and local leadership will have the skills to communicate effectively with decision-making bodies and the whole population.

Meaningful Results

Supporting communities and organizations dedicated to the defense of sexual and reproductive rights


women and teenagers trained in women's leadership


women and teenagers trained in the prevention and management of gender-based violence


schools for husbands set up or strengthened


community health centers rehabilitated


women reached by awareness campaigns on gender equality, prevention of gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive rights

Our partners

Thanks to our financial, consortium and implementation partners without whom this project could not be realized

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