Ongoing project

Resilient Women and Agriculture (FAR)

Adapting to climate changeWomen’s Economic EmpowermentWomen's and girls' rights

June 2019 - March 2025

Financial contribution

$19,000,000 CAD

Global Affairs Canada

Contribution through donations

$264,000 CAD

Consortium partner

Société de coopération pour le développement international (SOCODEVI)

Impact for

4,000 agricultural producers

who are members of partner organizations, plus 100,000 indirect beneficiaries


In Senegal, women and young people face difficulties in accessing land, water, technologies, innovative infrastructures and financial resources to develop their businesses, which are also exposed to extreme environmental phenomena. The FAR project aims to improve the well-being and resilience of farming households in the face of climate change in the regions of Kolda, Sédhiou and Tambacounda, through the sustainable intensification of irrigated rice, banana and vegetable crops.

FAR is made possible by the contributions of our implementing partners: Organisation de formation et d'appui au développement (OFAD/Nafoore), Enda eau populaire, Réseau africain pour le développement intégré (RADI) and Groupe d'action pour le développement communautaire (GADEC). In addition, we have the support of technical and sectoral partners, including the Association des femmes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (AFAO), the Centre de suivi écologique (CSE) the “Réseau des organismes des bassins versants du Québec” (ROBVQ) and Ouranos.


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Transformation of gender and age relations

Thanks to a program of training, advisory support and radio awareness campaigns, women and young people are better equipped to defend and exercise their rights. The project also gives practical training to women and young producers to improve their technical and entrepreneurial skills.

Transformation of gender and age relations

Thanks to a program of training, advisory support and radio awareness campaigns, women and young people are better equipped to defend and exercise their rights. The project also gives practical training to women and young producers to improve their technical and entrepreneurial skills.

Production, dissemination and use of reliable climate information.

FAR collaborates with the organizations responsible for climate services and two academic institutions in Senegal to help them produce and disseminate reliable information in a sustainable way. Scientific and local knowledge is used jointly to identify the adaptation measures needed to enable the various targeted sectors to increase their resilience.

Improving local governance and territorial water management

FAR encourages stakeholders, including the Direction de la gestion et de la planification des ressources en eau, consultation frameworks and agricultural producers' organizations, to participate actively in the process of drawing up water management plans in the target areas. The project also facilitates the dissemination of information on water resources to the public via rural radio.

Resilience of agricultural sectors

Innovative practices to improve the profitability of women's and young people's businesses

In Senegal, rural populations are heavily dependent on agriculture. Climate change is considerably increasing their vulnerability to environmental phenomena such as rising temperatures, soil erosion and scarce rainfall. Strengthening the capacities of farmers' organizations improves their service offering and facilitates access to land, water, financing and economic opportunities for their members.

FAR reduces obstacles to the socio-economic empowerment of women and young people. The project transforms gender relations and strengthens their decision-making power and control over resources, while training them in innovative production methods adapted to climate change, such as the choice of appropriate varieties and short-cycle seeds. In addition, our team works with local institutions to implement new practices that facilitate access to information, innovation and credit for women and young people.

How to contribute ?

Donate for the FAR project

Results that count

The concrete results of the project contribute to environmental protection while strengthening equity between generations and between men and women, for a sustainable positive impact


people reached by 6 awareness campaigns on gender and intergenerational inequalities


people trained on rights, leadership, gender relations and intergenerational equity


agricultural producer organisations and 15 economic interest groups directly benefiting from the project


people (more than 50% women) trained in entrepreneurship, management and farming, and climate-smart practices


specialists within national partners trained to produce and disseminate reliable climate data, in conjunction with local knowledge


people trained on sustainable and equitable water management

Khadidiatou Diallo
President of GIE Fabo Dental

Our Partners

Thanks to our financial, consortium and implementation partners without whom this project could not be realized

Related publications

Research & publication

FAR project impact report - 2023 - FR

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