Completed project


Adapting to climate changeWomen’s Economic Empowerment

2008 - 2015

Financial Contribution

$10.6 million CAD

Government of Canada, through Global Affairs Canada (GAC)

Consortium partner


Project implemented by CECI and SOCODEVI, in collaboration with the Sololá Department Planning Secretariat, the National Tourism Institute, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Economy, and the Sololá Department Women's Commission.

Impact for

32,800 men and women

Launched in 2008 and planned for a seven-year period, this multisectoral project aimed to stimulate economic development in the department to help create jobs and reduce poverty in an area where nearly 30,000 families live. More specifically, the initiative was divided into four distinct economic sectors: agricultural value chains (coffee and vegetables), public-private investments, tourism, and local entrepreneurship.

The project's foundation was the support, technical assistance, and professionalization of local organizations and entrepreneurs in consultation with local decision-making bodies. It also included funding income-generating activities through a solidarity credit component.


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Agricultural value chains

- 1,615 vegetable producers increased their income by 25%

- 913 vegetable producers increased their productivity by over 35%

- 40,000 trees planted for reforestation and 6,000 for agroforestry

- 1,332 coffee producers supported, 25% of whom were women

- Over 75% increase in coffee plantation productivity

- 86% of supported organizations improved their governance processes and the participation of women

- Strengthening producer organizations, structured into associations or cooperatives, facilitated collective input purchases, increased price negotiation power, improved production infrastructure, technological innovations, and processing.


- 1,309 people directly benefited from technical assistance in professionalization, promotion, and marketing, which enabled them to improve tourism services in 10 municipalities around Lake Atitlan and increase their income.

- 11 urban image projects implemented: rehabilitation of public spaces to attract more tourists to Lake Atitlan

- 3 community-based tourism circuits created in 3 municipalities

- Consolidation of new tourist attractions and promotion of Lake Atitlan through videos, maps, farm visits, cultural and gastronomic festivals, media publications, a website, participation in TV programs, etc.

- Participation in 3 tourism fairs (2 in Guatemala and 1 international) and collaborations established with 20 tour operators and 15 Spanish language schools

- 27 culture, crafts, and gastronomy festivals organized in 16 municipalities in the Sololá Department, where more than 50,000 people were engaged.

Public-Private Investments

- In the last five years of the project, public investments related to economic development increased by 63% in the Sololá Department.

- 12 municipalities have integrated local economic development plans that were presented to the National Public Investment System (SNIP).

- Implementation of 10 projects with strategic public-private investments that had an economic impact and promoted gender equity and environmental sustainability.

Entrepreneurial Development

- 769 micro and small businesses and 1,539 jobs created or consolidated, prioritizing women and youth.

- In two years, 130 new businesses created and 930 new jobs created, with 50% benefiting women.

- 907 micro-entrepreneurs developed a business plan, 85% of whom received financing from PROSOL.

- 24 cooperatives and community enterprises supported, encompassing over 5,000 people.

Gender Equality

- 10 Women's Commissions were established within agricultural organizations.

- 261 women benefited from the creation of rural savings and credit funds, with a 0% non-repayment rate after 20 months of operation.

- Business Service Centers developed gender equity policies, implementing special projects for women and youth.

A multisectoral initiative for sustainable local development

In Guatemala, in the Sololá Department, one of the poorest regions in the country, the detrimental effects of the 2008 financial crisis, combined with the impact of severe drought in 2009, were strongly felt across all sectors of the local economy. In this context, and in partnership with the Société de coopération pour le développement international (SOCODEVI), CECI intervened to strengthen local development through the PROSOL project.

Our partners

Thank you to our financial, consortium and implementation partners, without whom this project would not be possible.

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