Completed project

Project to Strengthen the Resilience of Young People for Peace in the Sahel and Centre-North (DJAMTAN - LAAFI BALA)

Burkina Faso
Inclusive Governance and Peacebuilding

2021 to 2023

Financial contributions


Kingdom of Belgium (85%) and CECI (15%)

Impact for

12,644 people

including 7,722 women, directly involved in project activities

Already in the grip of an economic and social crisis characterized by high unemployment and massive underemployment among young people, Burkina Faso's Centre-Nord and Sahel regions have in recent years faced a rise in violent extremism and a complex security situation. This context explains the propensity of a fringe group of young people to join extremist groups.

Together with our partners, including Laboratoire Citoyennetés (LC) and Association Bon Samaritain pour l'Épanouissement de la Jeunesse du Centre-Nord (ABSEJ/CN), the aim of the DJAMTAN - LAAFI BALA project is to contribute to the empowerment of young people. We want to enable them to seize economic opportunities and participate in local governance and peace in their region.


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Support for economic opportunities

Through incubators and coaching, the DJAMTAN - LAAFI BALA project works on young people's confidence in support services so that they take greater advantage of local economic opportunities. Better quality services increase their confidence.

Governance and peacebuilding

To strengthen young people's skills, commitment and leadership in local development, social cohesion and peace promotion, the project offers training and implements awareness-raising campaigns on these topics.

Raising awareness of best practices

By systematizing and disseminating good practices for creating income-generating activities, thousands more people benefit from the lessons learned in youth empowerment.

Promoting peace

Empowering youth to keep them away from extremism

Violent extremism in Burkina Faso represents a growing threat to the region's stability and security. Attacks on security forces, civilians and state institutions are multiplying, resulting in tragic loss of life and massive population displacement. The root causes of this rise in extremism include economic marginalization, institutional fragility and community tensions.

Since social and economic circumstances are what push young people towards extremism, the DJAMTAN - LAAFI BALA project shows them another path, paved with opportunities. Thanks to the collaboration of numerous local partners, the training provided and the concrete measures of direct accompaniment, the project aims to reverse the trend by promoting the economic empowerment of young people.

Meaningful Results

Thousands of people trained, hundreds of young people supported to generate income and maintain peace


partner organizations working directly with the project


people, including 1,356 women, trained in economic development, local governance and civic participation


people, including 5,254 women, reached by awareness-raising campaigns on economic development, local governance and civic participation


young entrepreneurs incubated, benefiting from a complete micro-project development process


young people supported in creating income-generating activities


people indirectly benefiting from project activities

Our partners

Thanks to our financial and implementation partners, without whom this project would not be possible.

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