Completed project

Irrigation and Market Access Project

Adapting to climate changeWomen’s Economic Empowerment

February 2019 - December 2023

Financial contribution

7.4 million USD

Millennium Challenge Corporation for the Government of Niger

Consortium partner


Impact for

Directly: 10,843 people

Indirectly: 6,700 people

Facing increased periods of drought, Niger’s agricultural activities are disrupted and threatened. To mitigate these effects on the population and enhance food security, this project aims to increase agricultural productivity and redesign the hydro-agricultural infrastructure in two regions (Konni and Sia-Kouanza). The Irrigation and Market Access Project facilitates the adoption of improved agricultural practices, the use of low-cost new technologies, and the development of a diversified high-value agriculture. It addresses the nutritional needs of the population and combats extreme poverty, particularly for women and youth.

Special attention is also given to literacy for local populations. Our initiatives are supported by our local partners: the Nigerien Organization of Innovative Educators (ONEN), the Union of Hydro-agricultural Development Cooperatives of Konni (UCAHA), the Federation of Agropastoral Cooperatives of Tahoua (FUCAP), and the cooperatives based in Konni and Sia-Kouanza.


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Strengthening the capacity of cooperatives and producer associations

The project supports the development of strong, independent, and sustainable cooperatives and associations with effective governance capable of providing quality services to their members. By offering organizations technical assistance in food management, product storage, and marketing, our activities aim to increase the productivity and incomes of producers.

Improving natural resource management

Sustainable and integrated management of natural resources, both at the community and operational levels, is central to the project's goals. Proven methods such as agroecology, conservation agriculture, assisted natural regeneration, and community-level environmental management and monitoring are implemented.

Enhancing the economic power of producers

The project aims to strengthen the commercial and financial management capacities of producers. Their access to financing is facilitated through the creation of a grant fund and the formation of a women's savings group. Through awareness-raising activities, as well as literacy and numeracy programs, the project aspires to enable the population to meet its own economic and nutritional needs.

Rethinking agricultural practices in Niger

Reducing producers' vulnerability to alleviate poverty

Agriculture is at the heart of Niger's economy. The sector represents more than 40% of GDP and employs nearly 80% of the active population. However, the country’s agricultural activities remain vulnerable to climate change, particularly increased drought periods. As a result, farmers struggle to meet the growing population's food needs.

Despite Niger's significant progress over the past decade, the level of extreme poverty remains very high, at over 40%. The food security of the population improves with better agricultural production planning, which considers market demand, local needs, and infrastructure conditions. The Irrigation and Market Access Project supports the country in achieving these goals.

Results that matter

Better-equipped producers for enhanced production.


Agricultural plots set up for practical training


Producers improving their hydro-agricultural infrastructure skills


Producers participating in literacy courses

Our partners

Thank you to our financial, consortium and implementation partners, without whom this project would not be possible.

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