Completed project

Improving Livelihoods for Earthquake-Affected Populations in Nepal (Punarnirman)

Women’s Economic Empowerment

2017 - 2019

Financial Contribution

2,013,491 CAD

Global Affairs Canada

Impact for

18,352 people

affected by the 2015 earthquake, including 10,828 women

Since January 2017, CECI has been implementing a long-term economic recovery project funded by Global Affairs Canada, known as Punarnirman. The aim of this project is to improve the economic conditions of 18,000 women and men who were affected by the earthquake in three regions of Nepal where previous humanitarian aid and initial economic recovery phases by CECI were carried out.


A Country Severely Impacted

Recovering from a Devastating Earthquake

The 2015 earthquakes had a tragic impact on the regions surrounding the capital, disproportionately affecting women and other marginalized groups. The productive sector alone absorbed 25% of the total negative consequences of the earthquakes. In the three regions where CECI operates, household economic losses—in the form of lost crops or livestock, damage to irrigation systems, impacts on commercial or industrial activities, and loss of workdays or income—are estimated at over 144 million USD.

Results That Matter

The Project in Numbers


people (59% women) affected by the earthquake have improved or restarted gender-sensitive agricultural activities and increased their resilience to natural disasters.


people (81% women and 62% youth) received direct assistance to rebuild their infrastructure, resume farming, or strengthen their climate-adapted vegetable production skills.


businesses (88% led by women) have been revived.

146 340

people indirectly benefited from the project.

Our partners

Thank you to our financial and implementation partners without whom this project could not have been realized

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