Completed project

Improving Access to Drinking Water (Borne Rouge)

Adapting to climate change

February 2017 - July 2017

Financial Contribution

USD $50,000

Consortium Partner

The Congregation of the Oblate Sisters Missionaries of Mary Immaculate; Saint-Louis de La Tremblay Church

Impact for

450 families,

or 2,250 people

The objective of this six-month project was to contribute to improving the living conditions of the population of La Tremblay, a small locality located 17 kilometers northeast of Port-au-Prince. In response to a request from a religious congregation in the commune, the Roncalli Foundation agreed to finance, through its Borne Rouge initiative, a project aimed at improving access to drinking water. Implemented by CECI, the project aimed to reduce the distances involved in water collection and prevent waterborne diseases.


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Facilitating access to drinking water

The locality of La Tremblay is located in a semi-arid zone. It had been facing a significant water shortage for years, with only rare and often non-functional water supply facilities. Its approximately 15,000 inhabitants had to travel between 800 meters and 3 kilometers to access water. Cholera and diarrhea cases were numerous.

The project's priority was to drill wells in locations protected from all forms of pollution, particularly anthropogenic, and close to residences. To achieve this, CECI conducted technical studies to assess the feasibility of works at the six sites pre-identified by the population, the Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate (OMMI), and the Saint-Louis de la Tremblay parish.

Four sites were ultimately selected. Subsequently, CECI oversaw the preparation of technical files, recruited professional contractors, ensured the proper execution of the works, and supervised the installation of the infrastructure.

In total, the project enabled the drilling of three wells, the installation of three hand pumps (enclosed by cages for controlled access), and the repair of an electric pump owned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural Development (MARNDR), which irrigates approximately 500 hectares of agricultural land.

Involving the concerned communities

The local population was involved in the project from the start. Consulted during the selection of drilling sites, the residents were invited to participate in the works (clearing, cleaning, or transporting materials).

To ensure optimal use of these facilities, a committee was established for each pump. In addition to forming these committees, CECI focused on building the capacity of their members. They received training to ensure effective community management of the new installations and were equipped to carry out minor repairs as needed.

Their mandate includes defining and enforcing water distribution schedules and ensuring the pump's cleanliness and maintenance. They are also responsible for determining and collecting user fees to fund pump maintenance.

Ensuring the sustainability of good practices

The project included an information day aimed at providing guidance on the optimal use of water supply and sanitation infrastructure, as well as measures to prevent diarrhea, other waterborne diseases, hygiene practices, and handwashing techniques.

Nineteen people were trained to promote good practices within the community. They conducted awareness campaigns targeting the 366 families involved. These campaigns focused on issues related to young children and hygiene, water storage, and best practices for water treatment and conservation, as well as handwashing, thereby contributing to the fight against the spread of cholera.

Results that Matter

Improved access to water for communities


hectares of agricultural land that can now be irrigated thanks to the rehabilitation of the electric pump


liters of water available per day per inhabitant


wells drilled and hand pumps installed


meters average distance between the pumps and residences

Our Partners

Thank you to our financial, consortium, and implementation partners, without whom this project could not have been realized.

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