Completed project

Emergency Aid for Victims of Tropical Storm Agatha

Adapting to climate change

May 2010 - June 2011


CAD$ 87,000

Donations from the Canadian public collected by CECI

Consortium partner

Fundación Guillermo Toriello

Impact for

Nearly 4,000 people

On May 29, 2010, Tropical Storm Agatha struck Guatemala. Accompanied by strong winds and heavy rains, it devastated a significant part of the country, already highly vulnerable to hurricanes. The floods and landslides resulted in over 174 deaths and displaced 330,000 people. Many infrastructures, roads, roofs, and drinking water systems were destroyed, leading to significant human and material losses.

Present in the department of Sololá, one of the hardest-hit regions, CECI quickly assessed the damage and decided to intervene. Thanks to the generosity of the Canadian public, teams on the ground were able to provide effective emergency assistance to the most affected populations. Under the coordination of Fundación Guillermo Toriello, CECI's local implementation partner, essential supplies were distributed, and the most damaged roofs were repaired.

The implementation of this project was based on respect for gender equality (GE), with women playing a central role in the activities carried out.

Reducing the vulnerability of communities

Necessary changes to minimize damage

Beyond the immediate response of humanitarian organizations like CECI, this disaster highlighted the critical importance of implementing risk adaptation and mitigation programs in response to the effects of climate change. Such initiatives, coupled with training activities, will help improve communities’ response capacity in the future and reduce human and material losses in a context of increasing vulnerability.

Results that matter

An effective emergency response to the devastation caused by Tropical Storm Agatha in the villages of San Lucas Tolimán, Sololá, and San Andrés Semetabaj

Over 250

families received kitchen kits, including water filters to improve sanitation conditions.


families received temporary roofs for their homes.


localities in the department were reconnected to the drinking water network.


water access and distribution systems destroyed by the storm were repaired.

Our partners

Thank you to our financial, consortium and implementation partners, without whom this project would not be possible.

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