Ongoing project

Alliance for inclusive inclusive and accountable governance in Haiti (AGIR/pou aji)

Inclusive Governance and Peacebuilding

June 2024 to june 2026

Financial contribution

$700,000 CAD

Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie of Québec

Contribution thanks to your donations

$25,000 CAD

Today, Haiti is facing a multifaceted crisis - political, security, economic, humanitarian, environmental, etc. - symptomatic of a profound fragility, itself generating instability, exclusion and violence, including the sexual violence suffered by women and girls. 

It is against this backdrop that, without wishing to obscure the urgent need for action on humanitarian, citizen protection and development issues, CECI, Maison d'Haïti and UQAM's Institut d'études internationales de Montréal, following consultations with several Haitian partners on possible options, have decided to support an endogenous process of strengthening the state, which alone can guarantee a lasting resolution to the crisis and equitably shared prosperity.


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Increase citizen participation in concertation forums for economic and social development

Identify the driving forces within communities and their diaspora, as well as local participation mechanisms, in order to facilitate full citizen participation, particularly by women and young people, in economic and social development initiatives.

Increase the demand for good governance, particularly by young people and women, leading to concrete development actions responding to local needs.

Strengthen the civic skills of a critical mass of these local stakeholders, particularly women and young people, and thus contribute to improving their participation in regional decision-making spaces, their capacity to influence and the quality of their demand for inclusive and accountable governance, by facilitating a dialogue on strategic priority issues (civic engagement, peace, economic equity, decentralization, deconcentration, insecurity, exclusion, impunity, political instability, corruption, SGBV, etc.) and by supporting certain civic actions (e.g., the creation of a "community of practice"). ) and by supporting certain promising citizen actions.

Prepare for national scale-up

To document these good practices in order to develop a new concrete intervention model in inclusive governance and citizen demand for accountability for scaling up to other regions of the country, at the national level including with the support of the diaspora in Quebec.

Inclusive local governance for peace and state legitimacy

- Inclusive local governance is increasingly recognized as an essential element of peace and state legitimacy in fragile and conflict-affected contexts.

-Local governance arrangements are increasingly central to peace agreements (e.g. in Kenya, Kosovo, Libya and the Philippines).

-The best peace agreements and national governance and policing frameworks can collapse without local citizen engagement in governance.

Targeted, concrete and realistic actions can ultimately help establish better local governance based on a higher level of citizen engagement, greater accountability of elected officials and state services, and greater trust between citizens and their government.

A territorial approach that values the social fabric, existing functional structures, and economic opportunities that can serve as fertile ground for the development of alternative models that can positively influence the country as a whole.

Our Partners

Thanks to our financial, consortium and implementation partners without whom this project could not be realized

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