
Why we need collaborative action for youth and women

The urgency to come together to build a more equitable and sustainable future has never been greater. In some areas we are making notable progress. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) exceeded their target to cut extreme poverty in half, reducing the global rate from 36% in 1990 to a projected 12% or less by the end of 2015. This achievement proves that collaborative action can create lasting global impacts, but a closer look shows that economic development has failed to empower the most vulnerable – including youth and women. As we look forward to the post-2015 agenda, it is imperative to ask, how can we create more inclusive economies to build more inclusive societies?


Youth and women continue to face unfair barriers to economic participation that not only prevents them from realizing their potential, but also limits their ability to make important contributions at home and in society. Changing this reality is not only the fair choice, it is the smart choice: when more youth and women contribute in formal markets, economies expand.  The 2016 International Forum will bring together a wide range of actors to explore how markets can better respond to the needs, potentials and aspirations of youth and women through three key themes: youth employment and entrepreneurship, women’s economic empowerment, and enabling inclusive markets. Click here for more information about these themes.


Supporting youth and women’s economic empowerment is one of the most powerful actions we can take to build a more inclusive, sustainable society. The post-2015 development agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have launched the call to action to leave no one behind. To accomplish this bold vision, markets must fully include – not exclude – youth, women and all marginalized groups.

The SDGs demand that we take collective action, emphasizing how every individual has an important role to play. Uniterra, a unique international volunteer cooperation program co-managed by WUSC and CECI, is providing  Canadians with these valuable opportunities to contribute to sustainable development. With renewed funding and commitment from the Government of Canada provided through the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), the third phase of the Uniterra program is dedicated to creating more inclusive economies by focusing on youth and women. Learn more about the program and how you can get involved at

The 2016 International Forum will bring us together to rise to the post-2015 challenge and explore more of the actions and approaches that promote collective action for youth and women. Register today.

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