
Volunteering as a vector for eco-responsible female entrepreneurship




Esplanade Tranquille, 1442 Rue Clark, Montréal, QC H2X 2R3

As part of International Volunteer Day, you are invited to our panel discussion entitled Volunteering as a vehicle for eco-responsible female entrepreneurship.

Women are more affected by the negative effects of climate change because of their social situation and the place they currently occupy in the global economy. Yet women are at the heart of solutions and transformations in terms of climate protection. By strengthening their economic autonomy and stimulating their role as green entrepreneurs, they become agents of change, in resource management, agricultural practices and the enhancement of local biodiversity. 

Come and discover how women's entrepreneurship and international volunteering are vectors of change for a green economy. 

On this occasion, we also celebrate the sustained and indispensable work of our volunteers.  Come and listen to our volunteers share their experiences and learnings! The panel will be followed by a festive evening. 

Free event, registration required

Through its Volunteer Cooperation Program, CECI volunteers support partner organizations in implementing inclusive and innovative initiatives aimed at empowering women economically and promoting their rights. In several countries, the technical support provided by our volunteers facilitates the development of more sustainable activities and contributes to the resilience of communities to climate change. Find out more about available volunteer mandates.

The Volunteer Cooperation Program is funded by the Government of Canada.

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