
Two New International Members on CECI's Board of Directors


Internationalization at the Heart of CECI

Internationalization is a key element of CECI's mission. At CECI's Annual General Meeting on October 12, new members were elected to the Board of Directors. Proud of its commitment to international cooperation, the team is delighted to announce the arrival of these new international members, representing Colombia and Haiti. 

We are delighted to welcome Patricio Scaff and Jude Saint-Natus to our organization. Their presence enriches our understanding of global challenges and strengthens our commitment to collaborative and inclusive solutions.

Messrs Scaff and Saint-Natus join : Marie-Claire Dumas, President, Ghislain Rivard, Vice-President, Ékué Séssi Afanou, Treasurer, and the following directors: Thiaba Camary Sy, Daniel Caramori, Inès Chaâlala, Chloé Gaudet, Carl-Éric Guertin, Julie Médam, Cécile Mukarubuga, Isabelle Parizeau, Sylvie-Marianne Rhugenda and Milder Villegas.

Patricio Scaff

A graduate of Sciences Po Paris, he holds a Master's degree in Political Science and studied at the University of Chile. He has headed the external relations office of the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) since 2017 based in Peru and Colombia. Previously, he held positions at the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, notably in El Salvador as an international expert in democratic governance for Central America and the Central American Integration System (SICA). He has also worked in the development of international partnerships, notably with the private sector in higher education and research in France.

He was a member of the Board of Directors of Sciences Po's Observatoire Politique de l'Amérique Latine et des Caraïbes and took part in the birth of the National Committee for UN Women in France, where he sat on its Board of Directors between 2013 and 2015.

Here's what motivated him to collaborate with CECI: "CECI is doing great work in the field of sustainable development and social inclusion. I'm delighted to be able to contribute to CECI's activities from its Board of Directors, to consolidate the Center's internationalization strategy and deepen its presence in Latin American and Caribbean territories." -Patricio Scaff 

Jude Saint-Natus

Jude Saint-Natus is a decentralization expert and jurist by training, who has played a leading role in strengthening local institutions in Haiti. He has held positions of great responsibility, including Director of Territorial Collectivities, Director General of the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Collectivities, and Acting Representative of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme/UN Habitat. His work was marked by significant achievements, such as the introduction of the first municipal trades and the improvement of local public finances with control mechanisms.

In addition to his national contributions, Jude Saint-Natus has collaborated with national and international institutions, notably in developing the "PAGODE" decentralized governance program for the Swiss Embassy. Currently, as project manager for the Programme d'appui à l'amélioration des services publics en Haïti, he is dedicated to the inclusive and territorialized accessibility of administrative services and civil status for citizens. His ongoing commitment contributes to the development and modernization of local administrations in Haiti.

Jude Saint-Natus collaborates with CECI through his mandate as a member of the Board of Directors to "feed the corporation's international strategy on the universal subjects of climate change, gender and social inclusion, and the mobilization of local players".

The profiles of all administrators can be found at the following link:

Internationalization at the Heart of CECI

Internationalization is a key element of CECI's mission. At CECI's Annual General Meeting on October 12, new members were elected to the Board of Directors. Proud of its commitment to international cooperation, the team is delighted to announce the arrival of these new international members, representing Colombia and Haiti. 

We are delighted to welcome Patricio Scaff and Jude Saint-Natus to our organization. Their presence enriches our understanding of global challenges and strengthens our commitment to collaborative and inclusive solutions.

Messrs Scaff and Saint-Natus join : Marie-Claire Dumas, President, Ghislain Rivard, Vice-President, Ékué Séssi Afanou, Treasurer, and the following directors: Thiaba Camary Sy, Daniel Caramori, Inès Chaâlala, Chloé Gaudet, Carl-Éric Guertin, Julie Médam, Cécile Mukarubuga, Isabelle Parizeau, Sylvie-Marianne Rhugenda and Milder Villegas.

Patricio Scaff

A graduate of Sciences Po Paris, he holds a Master's degree in Political Science and studied at the University of Chile. He has headed the external relations office of the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF) since 2017 based in Peru and Colombia. Previously, he held positions at the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, notably in El Salvador as an international expert in democratic governance for Central America and the Central American Integration System (SICA). He has also worked in the development of international partnerships, notably with the private sector in higher education and research in France.

He was a member of the Board of Directors of Sciences Po's Observatoire Politique de l'Amérique Latine et des Caraïbes and took part in the birth of the National Committee for UN Women in France, where he sat on its Board of Directors between 2013 and 2015.

Here's what motivated him to collaborate with CECI: "CECI is doing great work in the field of sustainable development and social inclusion. I'm delighted to be able to contribute to CECI's activities from its Board of Directors, to consolidate the Center's internationalization strategy and deepen its presence in Latin American and Caribbean territories." -Patricio Scaff 

Jude Saint-Natus

Jude Saint-Natus is a decentralization expert and jurist by training, who has played a leading role in strengthening local institutions in Haiti. He has held positions of great responsibility, including Director of Territorial Collectivities, Director General of the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Collectivities, and Acting Representative of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme/UN Habitat. His work was marked by significant achievements, such as the introduction of the first municipal trades and the improvement of local public finances with control mechanisms.

In addition to his national contributions, Jude Saint-Natus has collaborated with national and international institutions, notably in developing the "PAGODE" decentralized governance program for the Swiss Embassy. Currently, as project manager for the Programme d'appui à l'amélioration des services publics en Haïti, he is dedicated to the inclusive and territorialized accessibility of administrative services and civil status for citizens. His ongoing commitment contributes to the development and modernization of local administrations in Haiti.

Jude Saint-Natus collaborates with CECI through his mandate as a member of the Board of Directors to "feed the corporation's international strategy on the universal subjects of climate change, gender and social inclusion, and the mobilization of local players".

The profiles of all administrators can be found at the following link:

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