
Progress for inclusion and equity in the educational system in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso

The Institutional and Technical Reform Support Project for Equity (PARITÉ), led by CECI and Alinea International, comes to a close, bringing a renewed momentum to inclusive and transformative gender practices in education. The project has contributed to improving gender norms by addressing the structural causes of inequalities in education and within Burkinabe communities.

Through capacity building within the Burkinabe Ministry of Education and its structures, as well as through training modules, practical guides, and community mobilization, the project has made significant progress in three areas: integrating gender priorities, improving girls’ learning outcomes, and establishing rigorous and inclusive financial management within the Ministry’s educational structures.

Gender Training and Awareness

In collaboration with the Ministry of National Education, Literacy, and National Language Promotion (MENAPLN), the PARITÉ project trained 1,275 Ministry agents in gender-sensitive pedagogy and inclusion. Training took place in key regions including Hauts Bassins, Centre-Nord, and the East, where educators gained skills in positive discipline, conflict management, and gender equality. “Today, girls benefit from advantages that allow them to go to school, stay in school, and achieve tangible results,” emphasizes Frédéric Armand D'Almeida, Regional Director of Education in Hauts Bassins.

A set of nine guides for designing and integrating inclusive practices, developed for primary school classrooms, was made available to teachers. This framework includes modules on integrating gender-sensitive pedagogy, preventing gender-based violence, and child marriages.

Towards Equity in Learning

The project strengthened community engagement to encourage girls’ education, particularly in rural areas where stereotypes persist. Fidèle Sandwidi, a teacher in a school in Centre-Nord, shares: “In rural areas, parents often believe that girls should stay home and do housework. Thanks to PARITÉ, we were able to raise awareness among parents and increase girls’ enrollment. Today, I have even more girls than boys in my class!”

In addition to awareness-raising, guidance counselors encourage girls to consider science and technology fields, which have long been seen as reserved for boys. “We are now encouraging more girls to pursue these fields,” explains Francis Wenggouda Delma, guidance counselor and trainer.

Transparent and Responsible Financial Management

To enhance transparency, the project helped MENAPLN adopt better budget management practices. Thanks to a thorough performance audit, 22 recommendations were made to improve procurement practices, 85% of which have been implemented. “With PARITÉ, we received training to document every material provided to schools. Today, everything is coded and tracked,” explains Viviane Coulibaly Meda, Finance Manager in Hauts Bassins.

The project contributed to notable improvements in public management within the education sector. “The latest audits show clear results, and no recommendation highlights significant shortcomings,” says Sékouna Ouedraogo, financial management specialist.

Results that Matter

The PARITÉ project not only increased student enrollment but also raised awareness and trained key actors to multiply best practices in regions initially not covered. Here are some key figures:

  • 30 tools validated to combat gender-based violence and child marriages
  • 1,275 agents trained on gender issues
  • 27 textbook authors sensitized to create inclusive content

To ensure the sustainability of the project, a database of capacity-building modules was established, and Ministry structures were designated to review curricula, organize ongoing teacher training, and manage finances. These initiatives strengthen the sustainability of achievements by integrating gender and inclusion issues into educational programs, as well as financial management and public procurement.

Thus, the PARITÉ project leaves a lasting impact on thousands of students and educators in Burkina Faso, contributing to a more equitable future for both girls and boys.

The PARITÉ project was implemented in partnership with Alinea International and CECI and was made possible by the Government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada.

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