
Prendre part - the committed podcast for climate action


The Prendre part podcast is now available on most listening platforms!

Launched as part of International Development Week, Prendre part is a podcast on climate action hosted by Mollie Dujardin of CECI and Sandrine Hélie of CÉSIQ, highlighting the involvement of youth, their concerns and their aspirations. 

To discover the podcast

Episode 1 - Loss and Harm: Whose Responsibility is it?
With André-Yanne Parent, Executive Director of the Climate Reality Project Canada, we talk about loss and harm and the differential impact of climate change on the world.

Episode 2 - Youth mobilizing for the climate
With Émile Boisseau-Bouvier and Andréanne Brazeau, involved with Équiterre, we talk about the recognition and impact of youth mobilization for the climate.

Episode 3 - Solidarities for climate change adaptation
With Karel Luap, a volunteer with CECI, we talk about the adaptation of communities in Rwanda to climate change, particularly women and youth, and the contribution of international cooperation.

Episode 4 - Women standing up for the climate
With Amandine Gournay, we talk about gender and women's leadership in climate solutions and action.

Episode 5 - Community, Power and Social Transformation
With Albert Lalonde, Project Officer for the David Suzuki Foundation's Climate Awareness Laboratory, we talk about social movements, community political self-determination and climate activism.


This podcast is produced by the Table de concertation jeunesse en solidarité internationale (TCJSI) of AQOCI, CECI through its Voluntary Cooperation Program funded by the Government of Canada and the Carrefour d'éducation à la solidarité internationale de Québec (CÉSIQ).

The Prendre part podcast is now available on most listening platforms!

Launched as part of International Development Week, Prendre part is a podcast on climate action hosted by Mollie Dujardin of CECI and Sandrine Hélie of CÉSIQ, highlighting the involvement of youth, their concerns and their aspirations. 

To discover the podcast

Episode 1 - Loss and Harm: Whose Responsibility is it?
With André-Yanne Parent, Executive Director of the Climate Reality Project Canada, we talk about loss and harm and the differential impact of climate change on the world.

Episode 2 - Youth mobilizing for the climate
With Émile Boisseau-Bouvier and Andréanne Brazeau, involved with Équiterre, we talk about the recognition and impact of youth mobilization for the climate.

Episode 3 - Solidarities for climate change adaptation
With Karel Luap, a volunteer with CECI, we talk about the adaptation of communities in Rwanda to climate change, particularly women and youth, and the contribution of international cooperation.

Episode 4 - Women standing up for the climate
With Amandine Gournay, we talk about gender and women's leadership in climate solutions and action.

Episode 5 - Community, Power and Social Transformation
With Albert Lalonde, Project Officer for the David Suzuki Foundation's Climate Awareness Laboratory, we talk about social movements, community political self-determination and climate activism.


This podcast is produced by the Table de concertation jeunesse en solidarité internationale (TCJSI) of AQOCI, CECI through its Voluntary Cooperation Program funded by the Government of Canada and the Carrefour d'éducation à la solidarité internationale de Québec (CÉSIQ).

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