
Meeting volunteers - CECI's Podcast


Meeting Volunteers podcast is available on all major podcast platforms. Click here to access all episodes and be inspired by the stories of our volunteers.

We are thrilled to introduce CECI's podcast, Meeting Volunteers. This innovative project, created by and for CECI volunteers, offers a series of captivating episodes that immerse you in the realities of international volunteering and gender equality issues. By highlighting the experiences of volunteers, this podcast aims to inspire, inform, and engage a global community dedicated to positive change.

A Project Focused on Volunteers' Voices

Meeting Volunteers Podcast provides a platform where volunteers share their stories, challenges, and successes. Each episode features authentic narratives from individuals involved in various development projects worldwide. These stories testify to the resilience, determination, and significant impact volunteers have on local communities.

Diverse and Enriching Themes

The podcast explores a range of themes related to volunteering and international development. Topics include:

  • Sustainable Impact: The long-term effects of volunteer initiatives on local communities.
  • Climate Change: The involvement of women and youth in combating climate change.
  • Gender Equality: Efforts to promote equality and inclusion in development projects.
  • Local Innovation: Examples of resilience and ingenuity in facing climate and economic challenges.
  • Remote Volunteering: How volunteers continue to contribute despite physical distances.

An Accessible and Engaging Format

Designed to be both informative and inspiring, each podcast episode is carefully produced to provide a pleasant listening experience. The episodes are available in several languages, including French, English, and Spanish. Whether you are commuting, at home, or on the go, you can listen to these volunteer stories anytime.

The Strength of Partnerships

This podcast was made possible through collaboration with key partners. We extend our thanks to CISM 89.3 FM for their technical and logistical support. Their expertise was crucial in the realization of this project.

A Project Funded by the Government of Canada

This podcast is part of the CECI Volunteer Cooperation Program, funded by the Government of Canada. Thanks to this support, we can continue to promote the values of international solidarity and gender equality through initiatives like the Meeting Volunteers Podcast.

Click here to access all episodes

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