
Launching CECI Volunteers Club

To mark International Volunteer Day, CECI is announcing the founding of its CECI Volunteers Club, which welcomes all women and men, known for their commitment, who are either currently in the field or have already returned to Canada.  

CECI sends nearly 400 volunteers into the field each year through its various cooperation and development programs.  It is thanks to the commitment of these people to projects in over 20 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, promoting equality and economic independence for women and opposing violence, that action can be taken to improve the quality of life of millions of people throughout the world. With their dedication and altruism, and through their concrete, day-to-day actions with local partners, the CECI volunteers demonstrate an inspiring solidarity and the determination to create a world that is more inclusive, egalitarian, and sustainable.   

CECI would like to recognize the commitment of these agents of change and sustainable development by establishing a dedicated space for meetings and exchanges between volunteers.  The CECI Volunteers Club will also serve to facilitate continued involvement alongside CECI for those who wish to do so upon their return to Canada. Club members will be able to support CECI initiatives through outreach, philanthropy, and mobilization activities.  

Volunteers wishing to participate in the CECI Volunteers Club can obtain more information by contacting:

View the testimonials of the CECI Volunteers Club members who are part of the movement #CECIforGenderEquality (in French)

You too can contribute to building a more just and equal world without discrimination: sign and participate in the movement #CECIforGenderEquality

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