Press release

Launch of the Women Entrepreneurs in Solidarity Program


Press Release

Building a future where women's leadership transcends borders!

Montreal, February 7, 2024 - CECI today launched the Women Entrepreneurs in solidrity program, an international mentoring program for businesswomen through its Volunteer Cooperation Program (VCP) funded by Global Affairs Canada. This innovative program combines international cooperation with the promotion of Quebec entrepreneurial expertise. In fact, by 2028, many leaders in the entrepreneurial field will be taking part in this twinning experience. This new program will establish personalized mentoring objectives covering a range of leadership factors, as well as specific elements of the selected entrepreneur's business strategy. 

First participants honoured

On the occasion of the launch, co-produced with the Jeune Chambre de commerce des femmes du Québec (JCCFQ), the first three Quebec entrepreneurs to have been matched with Bolivian leaders will share their experiences to inspire future participants. They are :

  • Laurence Emerit, former vice-president of Criteria Conseil and business start-up teacher, member of CECI's Ambassadors' Club
  • Christine Latendresse, Marketing and Merchandising Strategist / Fractional CMO, Latendresse Marketing
  • Elfie Maldonado, Co-founder, Qantu cacao et chocolat

Already, it's clear that Femmes entrepreneures solidaires has enabled them to enhance their inclusive leadership and revisit what it means to put social and environmental impact at the heart of their business model. On the occasion of the launch, guests will have the chance to network with the CECI team to explore the possibility of taking part in this experience. This evening is an opportunity to reflect on the contribution of mentoring in an intercultural context to support the development of women's businesses that are shaping the economy of Quebec and elsewhere in the world; to see how our businesses can contribute to achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals; but above all to see how it is possible to redefine success in business by forging links that cross borders.

"Women entrepreneurs in solidarity program is an innovation in international volunteering to better support women entrepreneurs, who are a driving force behind wealth creation, job creation and, above all, innovation and social impact in their communities. What's more, this program is a way of showcasing Quebec and Canadian entrepreneurial expertise in a spirit of solidarity, because international development depends on companies here and elsewhere making responsible decisions in a spirit of solidarity, in order to reduce global inequalities". Marie-Claire Dumas, Chair of the CECI Board of Directors.

Joining forces with Quebec's next generation of women entrepreneurs

With the inclusion and economic empowerment of women and young women at the heart of CECI's mission, it seemed an obvious choice to join forces with a partner who brings together Quebec's women's business community in a different way to launch this program. The JCCFQ and CECI, specifically with Women entrepreneurs in solidarity, share a common vision of enabling up-and-coming female entrepreneurs, wherever they come from and whatever their sector of activity, to be recognized and supported. The two organizations also share a desire to enable tomorrow's leaders to take their rightful place in the professional world of Quebec and abroad, and to enhance corporate social responsibility in the service of female solidarity. 

"The partnership between the JCCFQ and CECI is a unique opportunity to strengthen ties between women entrepreneurs in Quebec and those in other countries who are focusing on the next generation of female entrepreneurs. This partnership aims to encourage the sharing of experience and knowledge, and to support local initiatives promoting gender equality and women's economic empowerment. The excitement is palpable among JCCFQ members, who see in this partnership an opportunity to broaden their horizons, develop their skills and contribute to a more just and united world." Marie-Hélène D. Maher, President of the JCCFQ.

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About CECI
CECI is an international cooperation organization that fights poverty and exclusion through sustainable development projects in Africa, Asia and the Americas. Its programmatic priorities are the promotion of women's and girls' rights, women's economic empowerment, climate change adaptation and inclusive governance, and peacebuilding in fragile and/or protracted crisis contexts.

The Jeune Chambre de commerce des femmes du Québec (JCCFQ) was created in November 2018. An inclusive space aiming to support and promote the next generation of businesswomen in all sectors, the JCCFQ focuses its mission on women aged 18 to 40 who are active or on the path to becoming so.

Ollé Doli
Communications and Public Relations Advisor

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