
Journées québécoises de la solidarité internationale


During November, the Journées québécoises de la solidarité internationale (JQSI) will offer a variety of activities in 12 regions of Quebec: conferences, screenings, concerts, exhibitions, quizzes and more! This event aims to reach out to Quebecers of all ages, backgrounds and regions to show that international solidarity is within the reach of everyone. A great opportunity to celebrate solidarity!

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated already existing inequalities. For example, confinement has led to an increase in violence against women, specifically domestic violence, and an increase in poverty. And access to vaccines is far from equitable between countries, as the national interests of Northern countries, such as Canada, have taken precedence over global solidarity.

This is why, throughout the month of November 2021, our partner AQOCI invites you to reflect and exchange on the actions to be taken to co-build a world of equality, justice, freedom, solidarity and peace. To achieve this, let us open ourselves to the knowledge and visions of marginalized people, communities and countries.

The struggle: against climate change - for the defense of women's rights and gender equality - for the full realization of the rights and freedoms of the person, children, youth and seniors - for the sovereignty of peoples, calls for a broad mobilization. The future of humanity and our planet are at stake.

CECI's activities during the JQSI

CECI invites you to two online discussions about the winning films in the "Acting for Equality" category of the Vues d'Afrique 2021 festival. During these discussions, meet the directors and protagonists of two feature films that address issues of equality between women and men, and participate in exchanges with development actors.

The Journées québécoises de la solidarité internationale (JQSI) offer a variety of activities in 12 regions of Quebec: conferences, screenings, concerts, exhibitions, quizzes and more! We wish you an inspiring JQSI!

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