
Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress


March, 7th 2024





Collaborative workshop dedicated to sharing and co-constructing innovative practices in supporting women's organizations.

Join us on March 7, 2024, at 12 p.m. for an inspiring webinar as part of International Women's Day.

In a complex current context, marked by persistent security crises, the shrinking space for civil society, and the threat of reduced funding for women's organizations, we invite you to participate in a collaborative workshop dedicated to sharing and co-constructing innovative practices in supporting women's organizations. The goal is to bring together interested individuals from diverse backgrounds to deepen concrete solutions to this reality and jointly produce knowledge.

We invite you to join us to make your voice heard and contribute with our team from all of our programming countries to this creative meeting. Your perspective and ideas are valuable to enrich the discussion and reflect on innovative solutions to the challenges facing women's organizations.


  • Maimouna Dioncounda Dembélé, Director of CECI-Mali
  • Laura Guachalla, Volunteer Cooperation Program Manager in Bolivia
  • Martine Gagné, Regional Adviser Volunteer for Africa Equality Rights, Diversity, Inclusion and Women's Economic Empowerment
  • Marie-Ange Noel, Coordinator of the Fanm Deside organization
This event by CECI is carried out in collaboration with its Volunteer Cooperation Program funded by the Government of Canada, its teams, and partner organizations, notably the VLF projects, and is part of a reflection and objective to mobilize various stakeholders affected by this reality within the framework of International Women's Day.

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