
International Volunteer Day 2019

Thank You to All the Volunteers Contributing to a More Inclusive Future!

This year again on December 5th, we celebrate International Volunteer Day. This is a special occasion to recognize the commitment of all those people who take on the challenges of development and help ensure that no one is left behind. On this special day, we would like to express our gratitude!

Over the last year, there were 454 of you, donating time and energy to improve the living conditions of others across 15 countries by volunteering through one of CECI’s  programs. In total, more than 4 million people have directly or indirectly benefited from the outcomes of CECI’s projects and programs this year.

CECI strongly believes in the power of volunteering as a tool for development. Based on mutual respect, volunteering provides opportunities for people, particularly those often excluded, to concretely impact their own lives and play a constructive role in their communities. Thanks to you, and thanks to the time and energy you give, communities around the world are experiencing greater economic empowerment and inclusion.


This year’s theme for the  International Volunteer Day is “Volunteer for an Inclusive Future” and focuses on SDG 10—Reducing Inequalities. Income inequality is a global problem that calls for global solutions. These growing disparities are calls to action, demanding initiatives that empower the lower-income populations and promote the economic integration of all, regardless of gender, origin, age or ethnicity. As a volunteer, you contribute to reducing these inequalities, raising awareness on these issues among the people close to you, and building a more inclusive world for everyone!

Inclusion is about recognizing our universal unity and interdependence. Inclusion also celebrates the richness and value of diversity in our societies. Wherever you are, you contribute to strengthening this diversity through your daily actions, and we thank you for it!

Claudia Black, CECI's Ececutive Director

#IVD2019 #volunteer4inclusion

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